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Re: You didn't rephrase my question, you asked a different question.

You ask several questions.

“Do you think audiophiles at large meed to demonstrate the validity of their perceptions, do you feel the need to save them for the influence of a nefarious indoctrination fostered by the interests of manufacturers and the audio press? Do you feel that's YOUR JOB?”

If you ever had a friend who was into crystal healing, Pyramid power, past life regression, Free energy devices, color therapy and such “new age” stuff, you probably felt the need to step in occasionally and add facts occasionally or at least felt a little sorry for them.
To me, the world of high end hifi is probably say 50% of the same mumbo jumbo.
The same types sell bogus trinkets like Quantum dots, special Wood blocks, little stones in a bottle and so on, which thru belief and subconscious suggestion (not to mention BDT’s again) are “judged” to work (like Pyramids, healing stones, gas line and healing magnets do to the believers).
The target market (you) is taught that some how testing with ears only was inappropriate for audio (because many marketing strategies crumble under this scrutiny).
Keep in mind, the industry that targets you as a customer and the marketing agents (publications) , have a vested interest in promoting the mystery and romance, the belief that say DBT’s are invalid for audio or exotic cables are audibly different than simply appropriate cables.
You are the customer (target) for all that, both the real and the imaginary.
DBT’s are simply a way of letting your ears alone judge.

So yes this sounds like pretty weird or even heretical stuff huh, I am coming at this from a different point in time and space.
I have designed audio gear for a living for more than 20 years, have had approaching a hundred articles written about products I designed, contributed to Audio Magazine and such.
If you Google my name + Loudspeakers, you will get some hits, as you see, Audio is my Job.

“leave me in ignorance, thanks in advance.”

So maybe your not ready to see the “Matrix”, ignorance is bliss but consider what I have said, I am not pulling your leg.
Best Regards,

Tom Danley

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