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Just Learn To Read Pat


No matter what you say after this I'll NOT respond because your back to your dirty little tricks.

I NEVER said you claimed that changing to the Paradigm Signature S2 was an upgrade! Learn to read Pat! What I specifically said word-for-word was: 3) Your trading Quads ESL-63 for Paradigms Signature S2 mini-monitors isn't what I'd Did you see that Pat? I used the word I'd, thus it's my opinion, I didn't say what you'd hence it's not something you said, a logical move or upgrade.

Now as I know you'd completely disagree with my opinion once again and we'll never come to an agreement, what's the purpose in a continued debate on the topic? There is none!

Yet you make up something I didn't say i.e. (You) sa(id) that changing to the Paradigm Signature S2 was an upgrade? And then you have the nerve to challenge me to show you where I said the statement you completely made up in Pat's audio fantasy land!! So now I DEFY you Pat to show where I said that was your opinion and not mine! As I have said and once again proved, you constantly make up things I've supposedly said that just aren't true. I'm trying to avoid calling you a liar again but you're getting pretty close to it with this new fantasy statement Pat.

Just like I've stated before in the link you provided, Pat this post you've just made has got to be another one of the most off-base, illogical responses I've ever seen on AA. Once again you 're attributing things to me I didn't say, mean or believe. I've never said that you stated changing to the Paradigm Signature S2 was an upgrade, that thought ONLY exists in your head and only in Pat's weird audio world. What I said was: trading Quads ESL-63 for Paradigms Signature S2 mini-monitors isn't what I'd call a logical move or upgrade.

Just go on and continue to play your childish games Pat. Continue to feel like you know the truth, but rest assured you don't. I looked at your audio system to get an indication of what you listen to and at least now I know why you CANNOT hear differences the differences I do. Because yes IMO your system isn't as capable as many others I've heard. I'm not claiming it's crap, it's just there's much better out there.

With that this discussion is over, no matter how many more fantasy comments you want to attribute to me that's aren't true, I'll not waste one more second discussing with a person who makes up at will comments I haven't said and then demands I show him proof of things I didn't say in the first place. Pat you need help, it obvious you are taking this way to personally and I don't wish to remain involved in this matter any longer...

Bye, Bye Pat. Thetubeguy1954

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