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Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't.

Hello Again Pat,

I too have not yet heard the Magico Minis, but they seem to be getting nothing but praise from those who have heard them. I have to admit I'd really like to hear the Magico Minis if I could. I have not yet heard the SF Cremona Auditor, however I was told by a person visiting my home and by the person who sold me the Aliantes, the SF Cremona Auditor & the Aliante Pinafarina Ones sound more alike than dissimilar. If that's true and I don't know if it is then I have a good idea of what the Sonus Fabers sound like.

Pat when you say you've heard the SF Cremona Auditor, which you thought sounded very similar to the Paradigm Signature S2 but at twice the cost. Was this subjective judgement made in a side-by-side comparison or soley based on having heard both speakers at different times, on different systems in different locations?

As you know I compared the Aliantes (which I've been told sound very much like the SF Cremona Auditor) and the Paradigm Signature S2s side-by-side in the same room on the same system. Although I didn't think the Paradigm Signature S2s were a bad, they definitely aren't close to being in the same league as the Aliante's. If the Aliante's are Class B in Stereophile-speak then I'd rate the Paradigm Signature S2s as Class C. As I stated before although I haven't heard the SF Cremona Auditor personally "IF" they sound anything like the Aliantes do, I could never say I have heard the SF Cremona Auditor, which is a very nice speaker and I thought sounded very similar to the Paradigm Signature S2 but at twice the cost, without laughing. However as that is YOUR subjective opinion and I cannot fault it as that, even though I disagree with it completely as stated.

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