In Reply to: And I've Told You How & Why I did That Many Times Now... posted by thetubeguy1954 on November 30, 2006 at 09:48:37:
You explanations of how you evaluated the SF Cremona Auditor simply don't hold water. You haven't heard them but only know two people who have.It seems that you, a subjectivist, are willing to take all sorts of people's word the sound quality of equipment (i.e., Harry Pearson, visitors, dealers), whereas I, whom you consider to be an objectivist, do not, but rely on my own listening.
"Nature loves to hide."
---Heraclitus of Ephesus (trans. Wheelwright)
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Follow Ups
- Tom tries to justify comparing the sound of speakers he has never heard! - Pat D 00:50:02 12/01/06 (16)
- Pat tries to justify his disapproval of my opinion of the SF Cremona Auditor ! - thetubeguy1954 06:31:28 12/01/06 (15)
- Would you review a theatre performance you never attended? - Pat D 08:22:36 12/01/06 (14)
- Let It Go Pat, Let It Go - thetubeguy1954 13:16:36 12/01/06 (13)
- Hey, it's OK as long as Tom is "comfortable!" - Pat D 17:55:13 12/01/06 (12)
- You're Finally Getting It Pat - thetubeguy1954 18:16:54 12/03/06 (11)
- Irony is lost on you, I think. (nt) - Pat D 19:36:34 12/03/06 (10)
- It's Not Lost, I Just Don't Accept Your Version Of It - thetubeguy1954 12:53:42 12/04/06 (9)
- My concern is that you don't discuss logically. - Pat D 14:45:12 12/04/06 (8)
- Re: My concern is that you don't discuss logically. - thetubeguy1954 08:44:30 12/05/06 (7)
- Re: My concern is that you don't discuss logically. - Pat D 09:04:20 12/05/06 (6)
- Pat, Pat, Pat... - thetubeguy1954 06:35:18 12/06/06 (5)
- Cheap debating tricks? - Pat D 07:56:43 12/06/06 (4)
- Cheap debating tricks, are being used by you Pat! I Give Up... - thetubeguy1954 14:19:09 12/06/06 (3)
- Put up or shut up!. - Pat D 15:53:56 12/06/06 (2)
- Just Learn To Read Pat - thetubeguy1954 07:14:00 12/07/06 (1)
- No, in context, your remarks are to invalidly argue against my audio philosophy by bashing my system and choices! - Pat D 08:05:21 12/08/06 (0)