In Reply to: Re: Indeed posted by kerr on November 9, 2006 at 06:29:09:
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Follow Ups Full ThreadTopic - Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - thetubeguy1954 09:17:55 11/07/06 (95)
- The 47 Labs DAC and transport don't measure particularly badly. - Pat D 12:52:08 11/14/06 (43)
- Re: The 47 Labs DAC and transport don't measure particularly badly. - thetubeguy1954 11:27:54 11/15/06 (42)
- Re: The 47 Labs DAC and transport don't measure particularly badly. - Pat D 20:12:08 11/15/06 (41)
- Re: The 47 Labs DAC and transport don't measure particularly badly. - thetubeguy1954 09:04:14 11/16/06 (40)
- Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - Pat D 14:36:53 11/16/06 (39)
- Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - thetubeguy1954 06:55:42 11/17/06 (33)
- Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - Pat D 12:28:56 11/17/06 (32)
- Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - thetubeguy1954 13:41:43 11/17/06 (31)
- Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - Pat D 15:32:36 11/17/06 (30)
- Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - thetubeguy1954 09:19:20 11/20/06 (29)
- Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - Pat D 09:32:10 11/21/06 (28)
- OK Pat, But I Did Compare the Aliantes vs The Paradigm. - thetubeguy1954 11:36:55 11/21/06 (27)
- Re: OK Pat, But I Did Compare the Aliantes vs The Paradigm. - Pat D 14:48:57 11/21/06 (26)
- Re: OK Pat, But I Did Compare the Aliantes vs The Paradigm. - thetubeguy1954 08:16:42 11/22/06 (25)
- You keep on making up opinions and motives for me. I thought you were giving that up . . . - Pat D 21:29:04 11/22/06 (24)
- That's YOUR Interpretation, It's Not What I Said or Meant. - thetubeguy1954 13:20:10 11/27/06 (23)
- Nope! At this point I can read you like a book. (nt) - Pat D 15:38:17 11/27/06 (22)
- Pat You Believe You Can Read Me Just Like The Book Called War & Peace, After You've Read The Comic Book Version. - thetubeguy1954 09:39:21 11/29/06 (21)
- You haven't even heard the Sonus Faber Cremon Auditor - Pat D 10:56:13 11/29/06 (20)
- Nor Have I Ever Claimed To! - thetubeguy1954 13:20:07 11/29/06 (19)
- No, but you compare the SF Cremona Auditor to other speakers! - Pat D 15:00:49 11/29/06 (18)
- And I've Told You How & Why I did That Many Times Now... - thetubeguy1954 09:48:37 11/30/06 (17)
- Tom tries to justify comparing the sound of speakers he has never heard! - Pat D 00:50:02 12/01/06 (16)
- Pat tries to justify his disapproval of my opinion of the SF Cremona Auditor ! - thetubeguy1954 06:31:28 12/01/06 (15)
- Would you review a theatre performance you never attended? - Pat D 08:22:36 12/01/06 (14)
- Let It Go Pat, Let It Go - thetubeguy1954 13:16:36 12/01/06 (13)
- Hey, it's OK as long as Tom is "comfortable!" - Pat D 17:55:13 12/01/06 (12)
- You're Finally Getting It Pat - thetubeguy1954 18:16:54 12/03/06 (11)
- Irony is lost on you, I think. (nt) - Pat D 19:36:34 12/03/06 (10)
- It's Not Lost, I Just Don't Accept Your Version Of It - thetubeguy1954 12:53:42 12/04/06 (9)
- My concern is that you don't discuss logically. - Pat D 14:45:12 12/04/06 (8)
- Re: My concern is that you don't discuss logically. - thetubeguy1954 08:44:30 12/05/06 (7)
- Re: My concern is that you don't discuss logically. - Pat D 09:04:20 12/05/06 (6)
- Pat, Pat, Pat... - thetubeguy1954 06:35:18 12/06/06 (5)
- Cheap debating tricks? - Pat D 07:56:43 12/06/06 (4)
- Cheap debating tricks, are being used by you Pat! I Give Up... - thetubeguy1954 14:19:09 12/06/06 (3)
- Put up or shut up!. - Pat D 15:53:56 12/06/06 (2)
- Just Learn To Read Pat - thetubeguy1954 07:14:00 12/07/06 (1)
- No, in context, your remarks are to invalidly argue against my audio philosophy by bashing my system and choices! - Pat D 08:05:21 12/08/06 (0)
- Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - morricab 00:50:30 11/17/06 (4)
- Re: Yes, I have heard 47 Labs and you haven't. - Pat D 07:13:18 11/17/06 (3)
- Restricted LF??? - kerr 16:59:09 11/17/06 (2)
- I beg your pardon. - Pat D 17:33:51 11/17/06 (1)
- No need - my mistake - kerr 06:08:50 11/18/06 (0)
- I don't get it Tom? - Don T 13:45:35 11/11/06 (10)
- I'll Attempt To Explain - thetubeguy1954 11:09:38 11/13/06 (9)
- Look..... - Don T 19:07:23 11/13/06 (8)
- This is stated perfectly - kerr 09:34:07 11/14/06 (1)
- I Still Disagree... - thetubeguy1954 13:33:14 11/14/06 (0)
- OK, But... - thetubeguy1954 08:55:07 11/14/06 (5)
- Re: OK, But... - Don T 14:48:13 11/14/06 (4)
- I'll Try Once Again - thetubeguy1954 07:39:20 11/15/06 (3)
- Re: I'll Try Once Again - Don T 17:59:46 11/15/06 (2)
- Bye-Bye Don - thetubeguy1954 10:44:14 11/16/06 (1)
- Tom, Tom, Tom....... - Don T 07:56:23 11/17/06 (0)
- Re: "These are MY beliefs". Good for you. nt - jensw 00:39:36 11/08/06 (0)
- Re: we don't have the same hearing priorities - mls-stl 15:03:51 11/07/06 (9)
- The "goal" is not to suit your sonic taste, .. - cheap-Jack 08:43:23 11/08/06 (7)
- Re: replicating live is still a set of compromises - mls-stl 13:03:58 11/08/06 (5)
- Re: replicating live is still a set of compromises - thetubeguy1954 13:45:59 11/08/06 (0)
- I said "closest" to live music, not "replicating" it. - cheap-Jack 13:41:05 11/08/06 (3)
- Re: still missing the point - mls-stl 14:46:49 11/08/06 (1)
- Who really misses the point? - cheap-Jack 08:05:30 11/09/06 (0)
- Amen To That! (NT) - thetubeguy1954 14:20:22 11/08/06 (0)
- Re: The "goal" is not to suit your sonic taste, .. - thetubeguy1954 10:38:57 11/08/06 (0)
- Great Response! - thetubeguy1954 06:47:42 11/08/06 (0)
- There have been papers/ studies that address details about how humans interpret sounds.... - Ugly 13:56:50 11/07/06 (0)
- Believe it or not, SET can work wonders. (long) - cheap-Jack 12:22:28 11/07/06 (0)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - tomservo 10:49:27 11/07/06 (20)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - andy19191 13:47:52 11/07/06 (4)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - tomservo 07:28:32 11/08/06 (3)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - andy19191 14:30:44 11/08/06 (1)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - tomservo 14:23:00 11/09/06 (0)
- The Nyquist criterion was developed for telephony. 'Nuff said. nt - clarkjohnsen 09:30:48 11/08/06 (0)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - thetubeguy1954 13:32:47 11/07/06 (12)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - tomservo 08:04:44 11/08/06 (11)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - thetubeguy1954 10:08:01 11/08/06 (10)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - tomservo 12:32:51 11/08/06 (9)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - thetubeguy1954 09:20:27 11/09/06 (2)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - tomservo 19:36:55 11/09/06 (1)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - thetubeguy1954 10:25:48 11/10/06 (0)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - andy19191 14:54:35 11/08/06 (5)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - tomservo 16:05:39 11/08/06 (4)
- Indeed - E-Stat 17:31:47 11/08/06 (3)
- Re: Indeed - kerr 06:29:09 11/09/06 (2)
- They were the only guys who cared about THD (nt) - E-Stat 09:21:14 11/09/06 (1)
- How much could they hear - 0.000005%? LMAO! (nt) - kerr 09:37:36 11/09/06 (0)
- Re: Another Sample Of An Audio Component That Doesn't Measure Well, But Sounds Great. - kerr 12:16:06 11/07/06 (1)
- While I cannot confirm the accuracy of this statement - E-Stat 13:36:20 11/07/06 (0)
- You're fast! - kerr 09:47:48 11/07/06 (4)
- Re: You're fast! - thetubeguy1954 14:09:36 11/07/06 (3)
- Re: You're fast! - kerr 09:20:32 11/08/06 (2)
- Re: You're fast! - thetubeguy1954 12:12:53 11/08/06 (1)
- Re: You're fast! - AJinFLA 13:55:23 12/10/06 (0)
- pretty confused argument IMO - tunenut 09:36:19 11/07/06 (0)
Follow Ups
- They were the only guys who cared about THD (nt) - E-Stat 09:21:14 11/09/06 (1)
- How much could they hear - 0.000005%? LMAO! (nt) - kerr 09:37:36 11/09/06 (0)