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Re: ?

I think classical information theory would have it that if the peak S/N ratio is below 0 db, the answer would be no whether the noise is the ambient noise of the venue, the electronic noise on the recording or the threshold of human hearing. This would mean of course less than 0db (total masking) at any frequency for which the signal had a component. It is conceivable that the signal could be partially reconstructed if the S/N ratio rises above 0db even at some frequencies and for short periods but that reconstruction would be an interpolation, a guess. I did a little research on the web about the ability to sense subliminally and from what I cold tell, the jury is still out. Some say yes, some say no but there are definitely products available on which subliminal messages have been recorded to attempt to alter your behavior such as to help you stop smoking and are often used in conjuncton with self hypnosis. The paradyme of subliminal experiments in 1957 where single frames of photos of popcorn and soda were mixed in with a movie supposedly causing the movie goers to head for the snack bar more frquently as an example of mind control was later revealed as a hoax.

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Follow Ups
  • Re: ? - Soundmind 11:13:17 06/17/06 (3)
    • Re: ? - Ted Smith 12:33:33 06/17/06 (2)
      • Re: ? - Soundmind 13:01:44 06/17/06 (1)
        • Re: ? - Ted Smith 13:08:24 06/17/06 (0)

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