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Re: I Disagree

"As I stated previously "In order to judge whether a single component in a sound system is more or less accurate subjectively one would only need setup a system & become intimately familar with it. Later remove just a single component (preamp, poweramp, CD player, interconnect, speaker or whatever) "IF" any changes are heard then those changes have to be a direct result of that one component being added to the system. Now although you are still listening to a complete system, you'll have a very good idea of what that components sounds like in that system, in that room." So THAT is how one determines "...(how to) judge whether a single component in a sound system is more or less accurate subjectively.""

This is the eternal golden ears arguement of subjectivists. But consider this, even though audio memory is notoriously short, the editors and reviewers of TAS magazine in a weak moment of complete candor admitted that sound reproduction systems are NEVER accurate. So we are back to Victor Campos' statement when he was at KLH 40 odd years ago, what amplifier (he said speaker) you like depends on what kind of distortion bothers you least. You might also consider that while there are differences in amplifier performance, no matter what amplfier you choose, it cannot be part of an existing sound system which will be convincingly accurate because the limiting factors are to be found elsewhere.

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  • Re: I Disagree - Soundmind 10:19:17 06/16/06 (1)
    • I Agree - thetubeguy1954 12:55:12 06/16/06 (0)

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