Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

Seas driver Qts declines 14.3% in first minute of break-in -- but only 2.4% more in next two hours of break-in

Philip Vafiadis
VAF Research

complete data presented in HomeTheaterForum post 8/2002

Break-in signal:
10-100Hz. one second sinewave sweep at 2 volts peak causing +/- 2mm driver stroke (driver XMAX rated at +/-6mm)

Seas Excel W2/EX001 sample 2/00-50

Qts. when new with cold voice coil = 0.49

Qts. after one minute break-in & 10 minute cooldown = 0.42

Qts. after two hours break-in & one hour cooldown = 0.41

Note: Seas Qts. specification for this driver was 0.41
Richard BassNut Greene
My Stereo is MUCH BETTER than Your Stereo

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