Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

I know..........

I once had a pair of speakers on my computer and moved them to be used with my television. Now these speakers had been used for almost a year with my computer but right after setting them up for my television I noticed that it sounded "strange" . Had the speakers changed suddenly right after moving them into my living room?Were they breaking in? No....it was my ears trying to get used to hearing what TV sound really sounded like through a good pair of quality speakers instead of the built in ones in the telly. This speaker "break in" myth is just that....It's your ears peaople not the speakers............this place is always good for a laugh when I am feeling blue.......just come read what people with more money than sense spew out when you imply they should have saved their money instead of buying the latest trendy high end crap.......oooooooo sorry if I upset anyone lmao =]

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  • I know.......... - Laugh A Minute 14:02:15 11/10/06 (0)

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