Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

I'm a professional speaker designer, and break-in is real

Yes, most of it occurs in the first 24-48 hours of playing time, but there can be incremental improvements for days after first firing up a "green" speaker system.

For simple 'ballpark' T-S parameter lab measurements, I can break-in a woofer in a few hours, but for a system, it takes longer than that for all the sonic details we can hear to settle-in.

I never voice a speaker with green drivers, the end result will be too different after the system has been playing for while.

All of this relates to home hi-fi speakers, things are somewhat different for Pro-sound speakers/systems, nearly continuous high power exposure can accelerate the process, and there is inherently less nuance to be heard in the first place, so break-in is not as long, or as critical.
Jon Risch

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