In Reply to: I'm a professional speaker designer, and break-in is real posted by Jon Risch on November 9, 2006 at 17:25:10:
I'm not going to demand even one DBT showing audibility at 24 hours or 48 hours of use, because I know you won't have that data.But I do challenge you to supply any cone driver data showing more than a tiny T/S spec change after the first two hours of initial use.
For one of the three T/S specs, either FS or Qts, almost all the permanent T/S spec changes will be measured in the first two minutes of initial use.
The term "initial use" means sufficient voltage to stroke a cone to at least 1/3 of XMAX. And that's usually done at the speaker or driver manufacturing plant during quality control testing.
I know the spider of a bass driver could take a lot longer to break in if the driver was only used to play a string quartet at 60dB.
But '24 to 48 hours of use' is just a golden ear audiophile belief (usually 100 hours is claimed = you're slipping) not supported by any data or any controlled listening experiments. Just the usual "I know what I hear, and I'm never wrong" boast .
Richard BassNut Greene
My Stereo is MUCH BETTER than Your Stereo
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Follow Ups
- "most of it occurs in the first 24-48 hours of playing time" = a gross exaggeration not supported by data - Richard BassNut Greene 08:59:06 11/10/06 (23)
- None of your claims are supported by data - Jon Risch 23:32:41 11/10/06 (16)
- Stating that 'I am a speaker expert' ... is definitely not providing data ... so it looks like I'll have to do this! - Richard BassNut Greene 09:05:36 11/11/06 (15)
- My Reply - Jon Risch 21:48:16 11/20/06 (1)
- PS - Jon Risch 10:05:29 11/21/06 (0)
- Re: I have a question: - Sophisticated One 20:31:33 11/11/06 (1)
- Why do customers think expensive wires make their stereo sound better ... - Richard BassNut Greene 08:15:17 11/14/06 (0)
- Oh Richard, you are over the top again. - Jon Risch 10:34:17 11/11/06 (3)
- Re: Oh Richard, you are over the top again. - mauimusicman 09:00:18 11/13/06 (0)
- I'll save you some time: You know all about speakers & all the professional audio people I quoted know nothing! - Richard BassNut Greene 11:12:06 11/11/06 (0)
- Don't waste your time responding (speakers are going to break-in unless the owner never uses them!) - Richard BassNut Greene 11:03:45 11/11/06 (0)
- Speaker designer Paul S. Barton says "brain break-in" (getting used to new speakers) overwhelms driver break-in effects - Richard BassNut Greene 10:14:09 11/11/06 (0)
- Audio consultant Dave Clark's AES paper says break-in can be completed in less than 1 minute - Richard BassNut Greene 09:57:58 11/11/06 (0)
- Speaker designer John Dunlavy wrote that only 10 minutes of break-in is required - Richard BassNut Greene 09:57:28 11/11/06 (0)
- Speaker design consultant Dick Pierce says break-in takes only seconds - Richard BassNut Greene 09:57:02 11/11/06 (0)
- Seas driver FS declines 9.7% in first hour of break-in -- but only 1.3% more in second hour of break-in - Richard BassNut Greene 09:56:55 11/11/06 (0)
- Seas driver Qts declines 14.3% in first minute of break-in -- but only 2.4% more in next two hours of break-in - Richard BassNut Greene 09:56:46 11/11/06 (1)
- Re: Seas driver Qts declines 14.3% in first minute of break-in -- but only 2.4% more in next two hours of break-in - mauimusicman 09:06:24 11/13/06 (0)
- Re: "most of it occurs in the first 24-48 hours of playing time" = a gross exaggeration not supported by data - asull 09:18:04 11/10/06 (5)
- Dishonest engineer with an agenda (does a 10 second break-in test then jumps all the way to a 20 hour break-in test !) - Richard BassNut Greene 10:01:36 11/10/06 (4)
- Re: Dishonest engineer with an agenda (does a 10 second break-in test then jumps all the way to a 20 hour break-in test - asull 10:52:21 11/10/06 (3)
- The term "Dishonest" is entirely appropriate - Soundmind 18:12:15 11/10/06 (2)
- Re: The term "Dishonest" is entirely appropriate - asull 19:16:27 11/10/06 (1)
- a 10 second break-in test followed by a second measurement after 20 hours break in ... is either dishonest, or stupid - Richard BassNut Greene 10:28:11 11/11/06 (0)