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Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ?

You believe all transports sound the same? Man you have got to be kidding!LOL
"Boosting signal is of no consequence". This is one of the reasons transports sound different.

Digital signals are independent of their strength as long as they
make it to the other side safely. Amplifying a digital signal only
risks of damaging the other side's input ports.

Maximizing the signal prior to conversion to digital (or rendition
into a downmix) will improve using all of the dynamic space in the
16 bits of the CD-Audio format, but that usually happens in the sound
engineer's studio, who is deciding which bits get onto the CD you
bought at the store. That isn't anything you can change at home.

If you'd tried it... we probable wouldn't be having this debate.
I once thought the same...after some gear experimentation.
I know now that the transport does make a difference..better or worse.

Sure, but some other factors have changed. You might have used the
internal DACs of the drives, or the drives might not be bit accurate
but prefer to apply some "beautification" algorithms, or something
happens on the S/PDIF to the DAC like varying forms of jitter. You
cannot possibly have heard a difference in the bits if the bits
themselves were identical, so it must have happened somewhere else.

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  • Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - that's, my name 09:42:18 07/31/06 (0)

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