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Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

Right :)


There is no such thing as a DAC that's imune from jitter. They all have varying amounts of jitter rejection and each of these jitter rejection techniques has strengths and weaknesses and (depending on the jitter input) different audio artifacts from jitter.

It is the case that DAC makers are taking jitter more seriously and that's great for all of us. But jitter imune is like RFI imune, it doesn't exist but some get closer than others.

The Benchmark DAC uses asynchronous sample rate conversion to get rid of jitter. This changes the bits from play to play of a disk depending on the jitter. So much for your arguments on the other thread about bits-is-bits and that the transport doesn't matter. Changing the transport will change the bits being converted.

Here's yet another discussion of this where you can read John Atkinson's take on it: http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/general/messages/442937.html


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