In Reply to: Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? posted by Bertie_Livingston on July 28, 2006 at 16:31:51:
HowdyThere is no such thing as a DAC that's imune from jitter. They all have varying amounts of jitter rejection and each of these jitter rejection techniques has strengths and weaknesses and (depending on the jitter input) different audio artifacts from jitter.
It is the case that DAC makers are taking jitter more seriously and that's great for all of us. But jitter imune is like RFI imune, it doesn't exist but some get closer than others.
The Benchmark DAC uses asynchronous sample rate conversion to get rid of jitter. This changes the bits from play to play of a disk depending on the jitter. So much for your arguments on the other thread about bits-is-bits and that the transport doesn't matter. Changing the transport will change the bits being converted.
Here's yet another discussion of this where you can read John Atkinson's take on it:
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Follow Ups
- Right :) - Ted Smith 17:07:27 07/28/06 (65)
- Re: Right :) - Bertie_Livingston 07:15:52 07/30/06 (3)
- Did you see Andy's post - Ted Smith 09:15:07 07/30/06 (2)
- Re: Did you see Andy's post - Bertie_Livingston 14:58:04 07/30/06 (1)
- Re: Did you see Andy's post - Ted Smith 15:02:13 07/30/06 (0)
- "The Benchmark DAC uses asynchronous sample rate conversion to get rid of jitter." - Christine Tham 18:55:53 07/29/06 (24)
- See Andy's post for the Benchmark chips. - Ted Smith 19:10:36 07/29/06 (23)
- Re: See Andy's post for the Benchmark chips. - Todd Krieger 21:02:16 08/01/06 (0)
- Thanks ... - Christine Tham 19:46:03 07/29/06 (21)
- Re: Thanks ... - Bertie_Livingston 04:57:32 07/30/06 (17)
- Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 09:11:07 07/30/06 (16)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 13:55:19 07/30/06 (15)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 14:27:45 07/30/06 (14)
- PRAT is not the truth! - that's, my name 09:18:00 07/31/06 (2)
- Reminds me of N-rays - Atexanathome 15:59:45 08/07/06 (0)
- Re: PRAT is not the truth! - Ted Smith 09:39:50 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 15:05:33 07/30/06 (10)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 15:08:37 07/30/06 (9)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 15:37:54 07/30/06 (8)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - that's, my name 10:15:48 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 15:55:01 07/30/06 (6)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 05:01:10 07/31/06 (5)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 07:40:08 07/31/06 (4)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 09:22:47 07/31/06 (3)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 09:40:59 07/31/06 (2)
- I want to believe...;) - Bertie_Livingston 10:12:21 07/31/06 (1)
- :) [nt] - Ted Smith 11:23:21 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Thanks ... - Ted Smith 20:05:14 07/29/06 (2)
- Very interesting - Christine Tham 20:28:51 07/29/06 (1)
- Why accept jitter? - that's, my name 10:37:11 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Right :) - Bertie_Livingston 07:38:10 07/29/06 (20)
- Re: Wrong :) - Mel 07:57:40 07/30/06 (1)
- The site with the DAC comparison . . . . - Mel 08:03:41 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Right :) - Ted Smith 07:57:25 07/29/06 (17)
- The answer is "with a buffer". (nt) - Bertie_Livingston 15:13:38 07/29/06 (16)
- Nope, there's more to it than that. - Ted Smith 16:37:06 07/29/06 (15)
- Re: Nope, there's more to it than that. - Bertie_Livingston 17:23:42 07/29/06 (14)
- Re: Nope, there's more to it than that. - Ted Smith 17:27:31 07/29/06 (13)
- "burning in" considered harmful? - that's, my name 11:25:25 07/31/06 (5)
- Nieve buffering considered harmful - Ted Smith 12:10:01 07/31/06 (4)
- Re: Nieve buffering considered harmful - that's, my name 13:15:59 07/31/06 (3)
- Re: Nieve buffering considered harmful - that's, my name 13:37:18 07/31/06 (1)
- Hmm... - Ted Smith 13:53:36 07/31/06 (0)
- Nope, it's suposted to meen I mistiped on the spelling chekr [nt] - Ted Smith 13:27:22 07/31/06 (0)
- Not really - Bertie_Livingston 17:37:54 07/29/06 (6)
- That's because they work the way I said they do - Ted Smith 17:42:51 07/29/06 (5)
- "I apparently think they do?" - Bertie_Livingston 17:54:03 07/29/06 (4)
- Re: "I apparently think they do?" - Ted Smith 18:06:25 07/29/06 (3)
- Re: "I apparently think they do?" - Bertie_Livingston 18:48:12 07/29/06 (2)
- Re: "I apparently think they do?" - Mel 16:39:43 07/30/06 (1)
- Absolutely (nt) - Bertie_Livingston 05:01:51 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Right :) - Alex Peychev 00:34:10 07/29/06 (14)
- Re: Right :) - Christine Tham 18:41:03 07/29/06 (7)
- I think all disc players use a PLL to read the disc :) nt - Slider 18:59:28 07/29/06 (6)
- Not mine :-) - Christine Tham 19:05:05 07/29/06 (5)
- Aha...:-) - Alex Peychev 12:57:42 07/30/06 (4)
- No - you didn't read my post carefully - Christine Tham 18:17:02 07/30/06 (3)
- Re: No - you didn't read my post carefully - Alex Peychev 23:43:44 07/30/06 (1)
- See my other post (nt) - Christine Tham 00:14:43 07/31/06 (0)
- A little more information - Christine Tham 18:41:14 07/30/06 (0)
- Re: Right :) - Ted Smith 06:50:17 07/29/06 (4)
- Re: Right :) - Alex Peychev 14:46:58 07/29/06 (3)
- Re: Right :) - Ted Smith 15:00:29 07/29/06 (2)
- Re:I think you guys need a P(i)LL * - .Guy 23:45:12 07/29/06 (1)
- :) [nt] - Ted Smith 09:05:53 07/30/06 (0)
- Forgot to say..... - Alex Peychev 00:41:02 07/29/06 (0)