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Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing


Jitter is a change in the timing of the clock by definition. The question for the skeptical is "How can the ear hear such small changes in the timing?" I don't pretend to know the precise answer, but it's clear that it happens and it's clear that people can hear effects from jitter. I've explained elsewhere how ASRC filtering (which is uniformly implemented with FIR filters) varies form perfect reconstruction to low pass filtering depending on the phase, that filtering smears impulses, i.e. it makes the timing indistinct. In the case of PLLs perhaps the changes in timing that bug people are caused by the changes in the freq of the clock (a little fast then a little slow...)

Anyway I just suggest you keep your eyes open for toe tapping when you try various tweaks, audition equipment or visit your local audio club.


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