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Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

Re: Thanks ...


There's essentially no way to avoid low pass filtering when the phase is far off and this isn't rare since the phase is always changing in any steady state setup unless the clocks are perfectly synchronized (think "beating".)

There are lots of optimizations in ASRC (i.e. zeros in the coefficients used to upsample and downsample) so it's not as bad as it first appears. Did you see the paper in the other thread? (http://www.iet.ntnu.no/courses/fe8114/slides/upsanddownsofasrc.pdf)

Also you might find http://www.iet.ntnu.no/courses/fe8114/files/Rothacher_Phd_1995.pdf interesting.


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