Hi ,Am trying to enjoy both great 2-Channel Music as well as DVD Movies , but just using a DVD Player.
If the DVD Player can select the Coaxial Digital Output to "PCM" , is the digital signal compatible to be processed by our audiophile stereo DAC (eg. Benchmark DAC1) ?
On those fewer occasions that i want to watch movie with surround sound , then i will jsut shift the digital-cable to my home theater receiver.Secondly , is it a big compromise that i am using DVD-Player instead of a solid CD-Transport ?
Or perhaps the the Transport accounts for only just 10%-20% , whilst the DAC accounts for 80-90% of the quality of the sound ??Thanks ,
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Topic - Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - SteveLim 00:36:29 07/28/06 (74)
- Yes (nt) - Bertie_Livingston 07:45:49 07/28/06 (0)
- Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - Gmood1 06:34:05 07/28/06 (72)
- Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - Bertie_Livingston 07:47:15 07/28/06 (71)
- Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - Gmood1 09:44:08 07/28/06 (70)
- Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - Bertie_Livingston 13:55:11 07/28/06 (69)
- Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - Gmood1 16:13:13 07/28/06 (68)
- Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - that's, my name 09:42:18 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Can use DVD-Player with Benchmark DAC ? - Bertie_Livingston 16:31:51 07/28/06 (66)
- Right :) - Ted Smith 17:07:27 07/28/06 (65)
- Re: Right :) - Bertie_Livingston 07:15:52 07/30/06 (3)
- Did you see Andy's post - Ted Smith 09:15:07 07/30/06 (2)
- Re: Did you see Andy's post - Bertie_Livingston 14:58:04 07/30/06 (1)
- Re: Did you see Andy's post - Ted Smith 15:02:13 07/30/06 (0)
- "The Benchmark DAC uses asynchronous sample rate conversion to get rid of jitter." - Christine Tham 18:55:53 07/29/06 (24)
- See Andy's post for the Benchmark chips. - Ted Smith 19:10:36 07/29/06 (23)
- Re: See Andy's post for the Benchmark chips. - Todd Krieger 21:02:16 08/01/06 (0)
- Thanks ... - Christine Tham 19:46:03 07/29/06 (21)
- Re: Thanks ... - Bertie_Livingston 04:57:32 07/30/06 (17)
- Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 09:11:07 07/30/06 (16)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 13:55:19 07/30/06 (15)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 14:27:45 07/30/06 (14)
- PRAT is not the truth! - that's, my name 09:18:00 07/31/06 (2)
- Reminds me of N-rays - Atexanathome 15:59:45 08/07/06 (0)
- Re: PRAT is not the truth! - Ted Smith 09:39:50 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 15:05:33 07/30/06 (10)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 15:08:37 07/30/06 (9)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 15:37:54 07/30/06 (8)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - that's, my name 10:15:48 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 15:55:01 07/30/06 (6)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 05:01:10 07/31/06 (5)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 07:40:08 07/31/06 (4)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Bertie_Livingston 09:22:47 07/31/06 (3)
- Re: Pace, Rhythm and Timing - Ted Smith 09:40:59 07/31/06 (2)
- I want to believe...;) - Bertie_Livingston 10:12:21 07/31/06 (1)
- :) [nt] - Ted Smith 11:23:21 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Thanks ... - Ted Smith 20:05:14 07/29/06 (2)
- Very interesting - Christine Tham 20:28:51 07/29/06 (1)
- Why accept jitter? - that's, my name 10:37:11 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Right :) - Bertie_Livingston 07:38:10 07/29/06 (20)
- Re: Wrong :) - Mel 07:57:40 07/30/06 (1)
- The site with the DAC comparison . . . . - Mel 08:03:41 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Right :) - Ted Smith 07:57:25 07/29/06 (17)
- The answer is "with a buffer". (nt) - Bertie_Livingston 15:13:38 07/29/06 (16)
- Nope, there's more to it than that. - Ted Smith 16:37:06 07/29/06 (15)
- Re: Nope, there's more to it than that. - Bertie_Livingston 17:23:42 07/29/06 (14)
- Re: Nope, there's more to it than that. - Ted Smith 17:27:31 07/29/06 (13)
- "burning in" considered harmful? - that's, my name 11:25:25 07/31/06 (5)
- Nieve buffering considered harmful - Ted Smith 12:10:01 07/31/06 (4)
- Re: Nieve buffering considered harmful - that's, my name 13:15:59 07/31/06 (3)
- Re: Nieve buffering considered harmful - that's, my name 13:37:18 07/31/06 (1)
- Hmm... - Ted Smith 13:53:36 07/31/06 (0)
- Nope, it's suposted to meen I mistiped on the spelling chekr [nt] - Ted Smith 13:27:22 07/31/06 (0)
- Not really - Bertie_Livingston 17:37:54 07/29/06 (6)
- That's because they work the way I said they do - Ted Smith 17:42:51 07/29/06 (5)
- "I apparently think they do?" - Bertie_Livingston 17:54:03 07/29/06 (4)
- Re: "I apparently think they do?" - Ted Smith 18:06:25 07/29/06 (3)
- Re: "I apparently think they do?" - Bertie_Livingston 18:48:12 07/29/06 (2)
- Re: "I apparently think they do?" - Mel 16:39:43 07/30/06 (1)
- Absolutely (nt) - Bertie_Livingston 05:01:51 07/31/06 (0)
- Re: Right :) - Alex Peychev 00:34:10 07/29/06 (14)
- Re: Right :) - Christine Tham 18:41:03 07/29/06 (7)
- I think all disc players use a PLL to read the disc :) nt - Slider 18:59:28 07/29/06 (6)
- Not mine :-) - Christine Tham 19:05:05 07/29/06 (5)
- Aha...:-) - Alex Peychev 12:57:42 07/30/06 (4)
- No - you didn't read my post carefully - Christine Tham 18:17:02 07/30/06 (3)
- Re: No - you didn't read my post carefully - Alex Peychev 23:43:44 07/30/06 (1)
- See my other post (nt) - Christine Tham 00:14:43 07/31/06 (0)
- A little more information - Christine Tham 18:41:14 07/30/06 (0)
- Re: Right :) - Ted Smith 06:50:17 07/29/06 (4)
- Re: Right :) - Alex Peychev 14:46:58 07/29/06 (3)
- Re: Right :) - Ted Smith 15:00:29 07/29/06 (2)
- Re:I think you guys need a P(i)LL * - .Guy 23:45:12 07/29/06 (1)
- :) [nt] - Ted Smith 09:05:53 07/30/06 (0)
- Forgot to say..... - Alex Peychev 00:41:02 07/29/06 (0)