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Exactly Right

>I could be wrong, and I have no idea of how John Atkinson would state
>the case, but personally, I parse the "We" in Stereophile's "As We See
>It" in neither the "Royal We" sense, nor as a conformist/corporate
>"We," but rather as a collection of individual viewpoints appearance
>*ad hoc* as individual writers feel led. The "We" would then simply be
>"we individuals here at Stereophile."

Thank you Dave. The "As We See It" is akin to a serial presentation of op-ed pieces. The only ones where it is clear that an editorial policy or point of guidance is being made are when I write an essay and make it clear that I am speaking on behalf of the magazine.

I guess the "As We See it"concept started to change when Gordon Holt started to invite other writers to contribnute essays, back in the 1970s.

I note that Charlie Hansen disagrees with you on this, but as Stereophile's editor, I would have thought that my definition wins on trumps :-)

I should also note that I don't believe Charlie is getting rich on selling the equivalent of chips to chumps. You can find my opinion of Charlie's abilities in the mid-May Stereophile eNewsletter, BTW. (Though this has not yet been archived on our website.)

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

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  • Exactly Right - John Atkinson 22:22:09 05/31/06 (1)

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