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Are you confused Mr. Hansen?

"In 1991, JA wrote an editorial that elicited a response from a reader dismissing Peter Belt's tweaks. In response Richard Lehnart wrote"

The "response from a reader dismissing Peter Belt's tweaks" was a letter to the Editor, the letter prompted by a some mention of Belt tweaks in "Industry Update," January 1991, pp.53-57; this is made clear in the material at the top of the page your post linked to.

JA, motivated by this letter, wrote a "As We See It" (March, 1991) in which he was critical of the "idiotic crap" that Belt provided as explanation for tweaks. BTW, the quote "idiotic crap", cited by Lehnart, doesn't appear in the (JA) article, perhaps Lehnart has seen a early draft that JA subsequently watered down for publication?

Yet despite JA's POV we find that he decided to publish Lehnart's dissenting POV... pretty open-minded if you ask me.


Anyway, assuming you believe the affirmative is the answer to your question, you'll be obliged to acknowledge that Stereophile had joined the "cant of orthodoxy" back at least as far as 1991. You'll further acknowledge that the more recent Austin "As We See It" that you've been ranting against is actually pretty consistent with editorial view established back in 1991.

Now when we ponder that fact that since 1991 many of your products have been favorable reviewed in this same publication we are lead to the inevitable conclusion that you have personally benefited from association with this same "cant of orthodoxy" publication.

This begs the question ... Have you only just now become aware of all this?

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