Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

Ultimate 901 demo

Required equipment: 1 6-foot extension cord

Preparation: cut the socket end off of the extension cord, strip .5” of wire, tin bare wire with handy soldering iron. This creates a “901 Turbo Strip”.

Play music with 901 speakers, loudly, (this works best if you use a hair band album and have a "hundred watter" receiver/amp). Wow audience.

Disconnect one speaker from "hundred watter" receiver/amp and attach “901 Turbo Strip”

Plug “901 Turbo Strip” into handy wall socket. Wow Audience.

Disconnect “901 Turbo Strip”, reattach speaker wire from "hundred watter" receiver/amp.

Play music with hair band album and "hundred watter" receiver/amp.

Sell speakers thereby getting more Bose Points.

Repeat above until you have enough Bose Points to redeem for multiple Bose speakers.

Sell multiple Bose speakers to customers, take money and buy real speakers.


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  • Ultimate 901 demo - huzer 22:13:52 09/26/06 (0)

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