Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

Film soundtracks have no real reference point...

for us to know whether or not it is "getting it right or not." The bridge of the enterprise - the movies or the series TNG has a continuous rumble effect (Ship's noise) and plenty of speakers I don;t like for music can and do a good job with such shows and movies. Hot trebled speakers will do nicely on explosions (Terminator 2 when T1000 gets frozen and shot into a billion bits is quite excellent with speakers that are bright as hell for example).

The Bose 901 makes everything over big and over ambiant and when set up professionally impress. They sound entirely innacurate and box noisy but if you likes it then you likes it and that is the reason to buy speakers. For me they just don't sound natural.

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  • Film soundtracks have no real reference point... - RGA 16:55:52 09/25/06 (1)

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