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Re: Sweetness VS Load Lines

Naz, I will try this one more time.

First I agree with you as to load lines. I have all my stages (pre amp and amp) CCS loaded and have increased the value of the grid resistors as much as is reasonable.

OK, one step at a time. We have a pure 1K sinewave going into the first stage, forward going (first half of waveform positive). The first stages output will be a negative going 1K waveform and a negative going 2K waveform (distortion).

These negative waveforms feed into the second stage. The output of the second stage, not counting distortion, will be a positive going 1K waveform and a positive going 2K waveform.

Then we have the distortion of the second stage which is positive going 2K waveform and a postive going 4K waveform (distortion of 2K).

The two positive going 2K wave forms do not cancel but add. They are in phase with each other.

Have Fun and Enjoy the Music
"Still Working the Problem"

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