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Re: The short answer is Yes


>>Graphically, on a load line, 2nd order distortion is
>>when one end of the line line does not have the same
>>spacing between the grid voltage lines.

Thanks, that's what I thought but wanted confirmation.

>>Can the tube who's grid is directly coupled to this
>>anode handle this extreme voltage swing?
>>I might think to RC couple the ecc99 to the el84.
>>Then choke load the triode connected el84

Let me clarify the design:

First stage is -
Either an ECC99 (single or paralleled) or an EL84
with unbypassed 100 ohm resistor on the cathode
for a bias ~3V at 30mA for a gain of 15/16 and 12 respectively
(Need only 1 and 1.4Vrms to put 300B into clipping)

Second stage -
Sovtek 2A3 biased at 40V and 30mA into 1:1 IT
With a gain of 3.62

Third stage -
TJ(?) 300B biased at 84V and 80mA into 2.5K OPT
With a gain of 3

So, (as you can see) yes it can handle the voltage swing.

>>I am not trying to get on a soapbox or muddy the waters
>>just trying to bring up things that might not of
>>occured to you.

I don't mind bunny trails as long as the original question is addressed
Sorry for my soapbox tirade but I guess I had to vent abit.

Thanks Alot

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  • Re: The short answer is Yes - danlaudionut 15:48:30 08/08/06 (0)

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