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Re: Sweetness VS Load Lines


>>Not sure if our definition of sweetness is the same.

To me it is :
Sweetness = the level of 2nd order distortion

>>There is a sweet spot in the current which
>>probably has to do with many variables.

Especially when you have a non-linear tube
driving into a severe load.
I try to use as linear as posible tube
and use close to horizontal load lines
as I can manage.
This can't be done on the output stage
for obvious reasons -
speaker load, efficiency etc etc.

>>Are you liking your 845's?

I got laid off and had to cancel that project,
in fact I had to sell the speakers that
they were going to power sooo...
I have a DAC/Preamp in the works now.
Monica 2/12B4/ Dave's AVC design

>>Would be interesting if 2nd harmonics change
>>with idle current

I think they change more with
different load line slopes
than with any other variable.


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