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on the other hand......

Going back to the original post, I think morricab's response highlights the exact 'problem' that leads to arguments. Leaving aside whether I agree or disagree with his opinions, he

a) overgeneralizes (all horns are X, all planars Y etc)
b) presents subjective evaluation as 'fact'. ie 'horn negatives outweigh positives'
c) suggests that any audiophile that attends live events but comes up with a different take is 'not good at translating'. ie 'wrong'.
d) suggests that the only viable philosophy to approach system design is the one he uses. (ie reference to live)

I don't want to single out morricab because we probably all do this to an extent, and it's what makes it impossible to get anywhere in the discussion. The truth is though, that if we all accepted the 'what I hear/like is OK by me' idea, there would be basically nothing at all to talk about. IMHO, going back to the OP again, I think the 'people like to argue' idea has a lot more weight than most would want to admit.

For my part, I rarely if ever attend live events, own a pair of 'horn' speakers (although they're Unity designs, so differ from conventional horns) and basically couldn't care less whether anyone else likes my system or not - as it stands, nobody else has heard it anyway (except my wife who of course doesn't care). I listen to enjoy the music, and a system that consistently allows me to do so across a wide selection of music is all I really care about, although (of course) I have my own ideas as to why I'm 'right'.

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