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Re: YOU CAN Be Sure About the changes in air pressure


Here are some articles from a tech recording forum, this fellow is pretty much spot in line with most technical I have heard in this area. I thought these might be interesting here.
Note his take on tubes, grounding / signal cables, amplifier performance, spec’s, sampling etc.








“The sad fact is that while the recording engineers are sound oriented, the producers who run the show are not.”

I have heard recording guys complain EXACTLY of this, many producers apparently seem most concerned with having the loudest, hottest CD to date.

Engineers do have to do what they are asked but not all are under that pressure and that does not change the fact that there approach in general is different than mainstream hifi.

They do this for a living, their monetary success and professional reputation depends on their results others hear so they are very serious about “what can you hear”.
They are immediately suspicious of and reject things, which fail the “without prior knowledge” tests, while being open to things, which do pass or show an improvement.
They get together at various engineering conventions and discuss excruciating technical minutia, often with the people that design the equipment.

In hifi, ANY business as a core premise is based on the money, which comes from the market’s discretionary income. The business object ultimately is getting as much of that money as possible with as little expense as possible, allowing you to grow or profit.
All hifi mags are in business as a for hire marketing adjunct for manufacturers.
The money comes from selling advertising to manufacturers, your subscription is a nice plus and it convinces the market it has bought information.
Only the fringe few of hifi people bother to seek out any technical information or get an understanding of how things work. Instead many see things through the magazines eyes, some of which even developed a new “Rhythm and Pace” type language as to not be confused with anything in engineering. They are lead to be suspect to the point of foaming at the mention of anything like a test, which depends on your ears alone.
Being entirely at the mercy of the manufacturers and magazines, some significant percentage of the hifi market believes in magic pebbles, pointy feet all around, magic blocks, magic quantum chips and on and on, all things which would NEVER fly in the recording industry because such things normally fail such a test.

I would liken those hifi products to gas line magnetizers, healing crystals, Q-ray bracelets and such things which also depend on the power of suggestion to work (and don’t in blind tests).



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