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Re: What became of your request regarding the Valhalla clones?

tg: ""
No John I didn't build any. I'm not very DIY oriented. If you'd be willing to allow me to try a pair of yours I'd give you my honest opinion and would consider discussing options on how to obatin them permenantly if I liked them better than the Z-Squared Audio's Au/Au I presently use. Waht do you think?""

Well, what I made is 12 feet long, and is made using the 3 mil copper I spoke of. So what I have is probably useable for a 5 foot run, give or take.

The effective guage is a tad light for heavy loads, but what the hey, it's just rolled up on the shelf here, I have no use for it other than for measurement of the inductance and capacitance to satisfy my curiosity.

If two five foot lengths are sufficient, I could just ship it to you. If you need longer, I could just cobble up another length. Connectors at each end, we'd hafta discuss.

We will of course, have to discuss cost..I'm not sure if you can afford it...:-) The tape I used cost me about ten buckaroonies, not only for the 50 meters of it, but I had to buy the darn dispenser thingy with the handle..

That drives the price up big time..I calculate 40 cents per meter..

Man, adds up fast, don't it..

It'd be interesting to compare the 3 mil thick stuff with a 10 mil thick one, course you'd hafta bankroll the 10 mil half inch wide stuff.

When you see the overall quality of the build, you'll see why I said the diy build quality will vary..If I were to make lots more of this, I'd put together an fixture to hold two tape rolls and 4 copper rolls.

But then, I'd probably hafta change registration here..

Cheers, John

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  • Re: What became of your request regarding the Valhalla clones? - jneutron 09:06:13 01/18/07 (0)

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