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Roberto - Some Questions and Comments for you


I have a couple of comments and a question for you.

Maybe I am missing the point of your thread or maybe you’re new here and don’t realize that the fastest way to incite any audiophiles, especially the inmates (we’re a fairly uninhibited bunch) is to bring up the age old cable/power cord “yadayadayada - discussion”. I have seen boards shut down (literally) when one of these threads got out of control. I bet that if you did a search on this subject, there would be literally THOUSANDS of “discussions” about the concept in general. Since Edison, there have always been and most likely always will be differing opinions on this topic.

Now, if you have talked with Roger and he told you to go pound sand, then maybe I could understand your intent.

Have you ever talked with Roger about his white paper or your disagreement? If not, then I question your motives to be so unfair to start a thread with his name in it and proceed to make the statements that you did without first attempting to talk with him.

I suggest that you go back to his website, get his contact information and talk through your issues/questions directly with the man if this is important to you. It’s also a much fairer way to treat someone that you have a disagreement with. Roger’s an intelligent, respected, and likable guy and I think that you would enjoy the conversation and get any questions answered to help you clear up your assumptions and have a better appreciation of another’s view point. I am sure that if you asked any of his customers or audiophiles that have had the chance to talk audio (or motorcycling racing, or whatever other topic came up) with him, they would say that it was a good experience.

That to me, seems like a evenhanded way to handle it than to start a thread like this.


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  • Roberto - Some Questions and Comments for you - angela100 12:25:56 01/10/07 (0)

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