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Further Reply

[ Also regarding your explaination of jitter, there is no mention of the I2S bus, which is essentially jitter-free and used in every player between the CD transport and DAC or digital driver. ]

Yes, the I2S buss is less problematic than the SP/DIF connection, but it is still subject to LIM via the power supplies, as are all the rest of the components and subsystems inside a CDP. Use of the I2S buss does not preclude the clock crystal from being vibrated and generating spurious signals, it does not preclude the PS variations and ground bounce affecting the logic gates firing times and transition points, etc., and so on. ONLY the added instabilities of the SP/DIF connection system are reduced, it is not as if all of the other aspects suddenly went away.

Jon Risch

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  • Further Reply - Jon Risch 17:22:04 05/17/05 (0)

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