In Reply to: Re: The problem with all this... posted by Henry Pasternack on December 11, 2006 at 11:07:48:
Henry,Like you, I would love a plausible scientific explanation.
I remember an instance some time ago when I disconnected a set of speaker cables to lend to a friend and re-installed a slightly shorter but otherwise identical pair. I put on 'Sticky Fingers' (which I had probably listened to over 100 times) and just about jumped out of my chair. The sound was just so much more solid and believable. But the only difference was the slighly shorter cable !
Wow I thought, cable DCR must be super important after all. Then I put on another record, and the magical improvements evaporated - if anything it sounded slighly worse. Of course, later in the day I realised I had wired up the second set of cables with reverse polarity.
That experience made me a believer. After some experimentation I found that the effect of polarity reversal is very record / cd dependent. On some, I have a clearly defined preference, while on others (the majority)it is difficult to pick a preference, or the difference is hardly discernable.
FWIW I don't currently have a polarity reversal switch. I listen to a lot of music and can't be bothered flicking backwards and forwards all the time.
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Follow Ups
- Re: The problem with all this... - mach1 17:49:18 12/11/06 (2)
- Re: The problem with all this... - Lew 18:21:41 12/11/06 (1)
- Re: The problem with all this... - mach1 18:06:17 12/12/06 (0)