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Re: 2 Year wait for Shroder arm and no sight of it yet

Well I am clearly the idiot of this thread.

I saw a model 2 Pertinax on A'gon a while back and luckily was the first person to email the seller. He wasn't giving much off the new price for a year or so old arm. He was local so I didn't even have to have it shipped.

I didn't even have an appropropriate table at the time to mount it (I have a WTT and didn't want to drill holes to mount it - I figured I was better off selling the WTT as is) So the impulse purchase of seeing an available Schroder in my price range catapulted me into getting a table to mount it on. The Serac was not available, so I ordered a Raven One, at quite a bit more cost since I didn't want to wait an indefinite amount of time to enjoy the Schroder.

Then I read some comments about the Schroder's being finicky about temperature and humidity, and since my table is right next to a window and heater/air conditioner unit, I thought it might not be an ideal setup. I also read about someone who went from a Reference to a Phantom and was happier.

I was dying to hear what the Schroder could do, but if I decided I wasn't happy after mounting it, I'd be out the cost of a new armboard, plus mounting and setup fees. I had spent so much on the front end due to arrive that I figured whatever I have mounted I am keeping, so I had better make my tonearm decision now and live with it.

I found a great deal on a lightly used Phantom, and sold the Schroder without ever hearing it.

One I had my mind made up on the Phantom, I realized It needed an arm cable, at additional cost. No, I couldn't just go with the Graham phono cable. No one had declared it "best available." Not that I can afford the best available of anything. But I was able to get in on the beta program on the Stealth Hyperphono, which one A'gon poster felt was better than every other cable he had tried with the Phantom.

So I ended up spending over 2.5 X what the used Model 2 cost without ever hearing a Schroder, just to save a few hundred. (again once it was mounted I'm sure I would have never sold the Schroder)

I guess I have always been this way. No salesman can sell my anything, but when I want something, I'll trade all the way up without needing any prodding. As a kid I used to go into the store to get a $40 walkman and come out with the $200 AIwa recording model.

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  • Re: 2 Year wait for Shroder arm and no sight of it yet - emailists 19:03:43 04/08/07 (0)

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