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After 16 months I just got my Schroeder Model II

Yesss.. Last Tueday I got at last my Schroeder model II tonearm.
Agreed, is not the Reference, but I couldn't afford / justify this one really.
To say the truth, I was at the point of giving up after 15 months, when two weeks ago my dealer told me that finally Mr. Schroeder had sent him my arm and he forwarded it to me ASAP.
Just finished the setup after fixing the arm base to my table's armboard. My arm is not exactly the model II that you can see at Soundscape web. It has a Pertinax armwand, singlehole mounting armbase and other little mods / improvements.
After several years with a Rega 250 based arm, it was a bit odd at first with a unipivot-like arm and I'm rather frightened with those supertiny wires coming form the cartridge's back.
You cannot damage the bearings here, but beware with the armwire and thread !
Sound wise I cannot say nothing definite yet. I have to settle little tweaks here and there -VTF, magnet gap, VTA, azimuth, antiskat. ( Altering a bit the magnet gap changes radically the VTF and -to a minor extent-. the VTA.)
What I can say right now comparing with the OL250 is : the noise floor is lower, tracking is better. No trouble with any of the Hi-Fi news torture tracks. Away went the slight wow with the Rega arm and inner tracks distortion is audible only on really damaged records.
My cartridge is good, but nothing special really -Benz Micro Glider L2-. and I'm starting to look for an improvement there, not right now, next Christmas maybe.
Bad news for future customers is that delivery for new arms seems to be 18 months at least for the lower models, even more for the Reference.

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  • After 16 months I just got my Schroeder Model II - artur5 08:06:15 04/08/07 (0)

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