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Nope, You? Maybe.


Responded to my comment of: I'd love to see you in the midst of a group of black people and shout out: You're all N#$$@*S and then tell them you were only "joking & needling" them. Sorry POLLYinFLA but I see such behavior for what it is, the actions of a sick mind.
With this comment: How do you know I'm not black?

Obviously I don't know if you're black or not. I used it as an example of a general analogy that everyone could & would understand. If you happen to be black we could just as easily state it as: I'd love to see you in the midst of a group of muslims and shout out: You're all idol worshippers and then tell them you were only "joking & needling" them.

Or would you prefer If you happen to be black we could just as easily state it as: I'd love to see you in the midst of a group of germans and shout out: You're all Jew killers and then tell them you were only "joking & needling" them.

So as you hopefully now see race isn't what mattered you brainless twit. With the muslims it was religon and with the germans it was guilt of past atrocities. The example was of someone calling someone else something they found offensive face-to-face THAT was the point of the example. Just like I tell you I find your childish behavior offense, yet you continue on with it because as you say, you were only "joking & needling" me.

It's you and your sick mind who only say that example as a race issue. It's YOU who disgusts me with your constant ignorant offensive bile. Now that you've seen it from a POV that you finally grasped, perhaps you'll finally get help with YOUR mental problems outside of this board and hopefully that will be very soon.

In fact more proof of your sick demented mind is how you interpret my comments as being a fantasy about perpetrating violence against you! That's paranoia Polly! Truth is you're a coward, who hides behind the moniker of a computer and is perhaps getting afraid because you've begun to see how someday, someone, somewhere with a lot less restraint than I have will be "biting" you the "prodder", and trust me you'll deserve whatever you get. So take my advice and get help now or ASAP! Oh yes, FYI I've never ever hit anyone first & sometimes didn't hit back after being hit, so no bird brain I'm not the violent rabid dog you want to believe I am! As I stated in print many times before I'm trying to help you, not hurt you.

Finally if you honestly believed all this trash you say about me being a mentally unstable & violent person, what kind of person would continue provoking someone like that? Hmmmmm??? This is just another pathetic attempt at trying to make yourself look good, by making another person look bad. Which I'm sorry to say is yet more proof of your sick, demented, childish, behavior. You need real help, trust me I know. I used to be an alcohol/drug consular so I've seen my share of sick minds and you fit right in there. Hopefully you'll either see your behavior for what it is and change on your own, or one day help will be desperately needed.


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  • Nope, You? Maybe. - thetubeguy1954 09:35:27 03/13/07 (0)

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