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Well, what do you expect Pat D-Cake? You're Always Demanding Proof Of What I say!

Pat D-Cake,

You are really quite the character. Whenever I say anything you constantly demand proof of what I'm saying, so I provided proof via actual statements from one of your fellow lunatic fringe objectivists who specifically said: “…you (TG1954)consider them (measurements) useless and meaningless, because we really can't measure everything, so we might as well measure nothing and just listen with the trusty ol' ghost hearing measurement devices only, the ears.”

And then so you couldn't proclaim it was an isolated opinion by one a sole lunatic-fringe objectivist. I took Audiohobby's response: “Yep, you captured the foolishness that pervades thinking of many on this board.” http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/prophead/messages/29649.html

So when I do what you constantly demand: i.e. provide proof, you claim I'm personalizing the topic and I'm obsessed with POLLYinFLA. I remember when you thought I was obsessed with you as well! These actions on your part is just more typical lunatic fringe objectivist behavior. You don't address the actual topic at hand that objectivists claim SUBJECTIVISTS THINK ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE USELESS! Perhaps if you could address the actual topic we'd get somewhere, but I'm NOT holding my breath.


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