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Belief vs Reality

I agree with the first Aczel quote you posted as being the only (or one of the very few) true statements he made in the article. But I've jawed over Aczel enough on Critics Corner - people will think of him as messiah or pariah depending on their beliefs... as well they should, IMO. People will either believe or find reality via their own experimentation, whichever side of the Sub/Ob they're on. Without such experiementation, all we have is belief - either in sonic differences between things that science tells us can't exist, or in science itself. Without experimentation, our "reality" is simply a set of beliefs. Aczel has his set of beliefs and that's fine for him. I prefer to find my own way rather than blindly follow a path set for me by "believers".

Consequently, I didn't "just say no" to CD treatments. I tried several of them and they didn't work for me. The difference between the Aczels and the subjectivists is that the latter isn't content to simply "believe". Aczel's reality isn't necessarily mine - and most of the time, it isn't.

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  • Belief vs Reality - kerr 06:24:04 03/11/07 (0)

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