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I may not be of a particular "~vist" persuasion and

I think I see where you're coming from**.

Bu the example you give at the end doesn't correlate. A-C talk more about spkeaers & positioning. D also relates to spkr- amp interfacing and the aforementioned. Literally taken, E -- OK. Then, F also relates to spkrs & positioning and amp interface. So, OK, your amps' quoted specs may tell you s/thing about how they'll operate in conjunction with a spkr.

I don't get G at all: to do this, you have to choose your piece of recorded music and then tweak the whole system and make it sound like "live unamplified music". OK, the result may be repeatable with other LPs /cd/ whatevers -- but not necessarily.

**You can sum up much of it, more or less, by "if it sounds good and measures well, it's good. If it sounds good and measures bad, you're measuring the wrong thing"

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  • I may not be of a particular "~vist" persuasion and - Gregm 05:15:11 03/12/07 (0)

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