In Reply to: Re: silly argument posted by theaudiohobby on March 11, 2007 at 17:00:58:
>I will not satisfy your curiosity ;-) and the original point still stands as you have made an assumption here that is invalid.<Show me where I got it wrong and I'll be happy to admit it. Sorry, you can't just say something is invalid - at least not 'round these here parts! :)
>I look to measurements cos some of the more obvious differences between amplifiers are easily explained by measurements.<
Yes. I would agree that any and all sonic differences between any two pieces of gear could be explained by measurements. I can't imagine anyone suggesting otherwise. We just have to find them, in some cases.
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Follow Ups Full ThreadTopic - The BIGGEST Lies Objectivists Tell About Subjectivists (Part 1) - thetubeguy1954 07:57:46 03/09/07 (84)
- I may not be of a particular "~vist" persuasion and - Gregm 05:15:11 03/12/07 (0)
- George Middius Without the Vulgar..... - Todd Krieger 18:44:26 03/09/07 (0)
- Correct me but it does seem you are saying the quoted measurments are useless - Russ57 14:20:29 03/09/07 (6)
- The Correction - thetubeguy1954 05:43:23 03/12/07 (2)
- It's a shame the point has to be made to them, over and over. But we know already, they don't listen! nt - clarkjohnsen 11:00:58 03/12/07 (1)
- If we were like TG54, we'd take that literally rather than as rhetorical exaggeration. - Pat D 06:45:32 03/13/07 (0)
- Hey, you aren't Russ Hamm by any chance? nt - clarkjohnsen 11:32:26 03/11/07 (2)
- No(nt) - Russ57 05:45:03 03/13/07 (1)
- I knew that! (Mr. Hamm is sadly deceased.) But you sound quite like him. nt - clarkjohnsen 10:14:30 03/13/07 (0)
- Hey Tom, remember this classic LOL? "Subjectivists vs Objectivists, For Me The Battle Is Over!" - AJinFLA 14:13:05 03/09/07 (25)
- Yes I Remeber That. This Is About The BIGGEST Lies Objectivist Say About Subjectivists - thetubeguy1954 07:51:44 03/12/07 (2)
- So have you now put yourself on your "liars list"? - AJinFLA 15:55:46 03/12/07 (1)
- Nope, You? Maybe. - thetubeguy1954 09:35:27 03/13/07 (0)
- Well, what do you expect? He personalizes many issues. - Pat D 16:25:55 03/09/07 (21)
- Well, what do you expect Pat D-Cake? You're Always Demanding Proof Of What I say! - thetubeguy1954 08:09:26 03/12/07 (10)
- Nope. I ask whether you have proof for claims you make, especially unlikely ones. - Pat D 18:08:54 03/12/07 (9)
- Nope. Not True In Typical Pat D Fashion - thetubeguy1954 06:14:37 03/13/07 (8)
- I told you your topic is contrary to fact and confuses every and some. - Pat D 06:50:21 03/13/07 (7)
- Sorry Again That You're So Easily Confused Pat - thetubeguy1954 07:42:30 03/13/07 (6)
- You'll have to ask JAinFLA about his statements. But you generalize. (nt) - Pat D 12:13:47 03/13/07 (5)
- No I Don't Have To Ask POLLYinFLA About Anything. & But You Keep Beating A Dead Horse - thetubeguy1954 14:13:53 03/13/07 (4)
- So you want us to speculate as to why AJinFLA said something? - Pat D 20:53:09 03/13/07 (3)
- It's YOU Pat D Who Keeps Beating The Dead Horse, Not Me! - thetubeguy1954 08:04:04 03/14/07 (2)
- "lunatic fringe," "stupid lies"--is this your idea of civility? - Pat D 08:39:24 03/14/07 (1)
- Lies Are Lies - thetubeguy1954 14:20:18 03/14/07 (0)
- Re: Well, what do you expect? After "The battle is over"? Huff, puff, rant rant rant (Part X... - AJinFLA 06:29:55 03/10/07 (9)
- Well, what do you expect? I Expect Peple To Mean What They Say & Say What They Mean - thetubeguy1954 08:13:43 03/12/07 (0)
- Re: Well, what do you expect? After "The battle is over"? Huff, puff, rant rant rant (Part X... - Pat D 07:52:13 03/10/07 (7)
- Well, What Do You Expect When Dealing With Lunatic Fringe Objectivists? - thetubeguy1954 08:18:27 03/12/07 (6)
- You should learn the difference between "some" and "every." - Pat D 18:18:32 03/12/07 (5)
- It's Objectivists Who Need To Learn The Difference Between "SOME" & "EVERY." - thetubeguy1954 05:52:25 03/13/07 (4)
- Your "actual topic" is contrary to fact and over generaliazes! - Pat D 06:26:24 03/13/07 (3)
- Re: Your "actual topic" is contrary to fact and over generaliazes! - thetubeguy1954 08:24:33 03/14/07 (2)
- And you now admit, your topic was "off topic." - Pat D 08:47:32 03/14/07 (1)
- Re: And you now admit, your topic was "off topic." - thetubeguy1954 10:10:59 03/14/07 (0)
- Personalities again. Why not say something about audio? - Pat D 12:31:02 03/09/07 (14)
- I AM Talking About Audio - thetubeguy1954 13:35:19 03/09/07 (13)
- Yes you ARE. They just don't want to hear what you're saying. nt - clarkjohnsen 11:40:07 03/11/07 (1)
- I Know I Am! I Also Know Not One Of Them Has Actually Addressed The Topic Of The Post - thetubeguy1954 08:23:14 03/12/07 (0)
- You are pursuing a personal battle with AJinFla, not with objectivists - Pat D 16:18:37 03/09/07 (10)
- Believe What You Want To Pat - thetubeguy1954 13:15:13 03/12/07 (0)
- He's battling his own demons. I've simply become the lightning rod for his insecurities (nt) - AJinFLA 06:05:33 03/10/07 (8)
- Your A Lightning Rod Due To The Stupity Of Your Posts! - thetubeguy1954 13:25:26 03/12/07 (0)
- Re: He's battling his own demons. I've simply become the lightning rod for his insecurities (nt) - Pat D 07:51:16 03/10/07 (6)
- Pat All These Posts About Me & You Claim I'm Personalizing The Arguement - thetubeguy1954 13:28:40 03/12/07 (5)
- It's meta-discussion about the nature of some of your posts. - Pat D 18:16:23 03/12/07 (4)
- No Matter Who You Slice It You're Personalizing It, Like You Berated Me For Doing.... - thetubeguy1954 05:56:45 03/13/07 (3)
- Well, if your topic is confused and contrary to fact, don't expect me to say differently. (nt) - Pat D 06:52:54 03/13/07 (2)
- I'm Sorry You're So Easily Confused Pat - thetubeguy1954 07:37:35 03/13/07 (1)
- Both off topic (which you now admit) and contrary to fact. - Pat D 11:37:13 03/14/07 (0)
- Part 1 ?? Groan! I'm losing the will to live .. nt - clifff 11:32:00 03/09/07 (18)
- Thank GOD, I Won't Have To Listen To You Whine Anymore - thetubeguy1954 12:44:17 03/09/07 (17)
- How very sad. - clifff 12:51:36 03/09/07 (16)
- Yes How Very Sad On Your Part. Just 24hrs Agos You Claimed I Stopped Reading His Posts Long Ago - thetubeguy1954 13:01:29 03/09/07 (15)
- True. I have not - just the titles are enough! - clifff 13:03:33 03/09/07 (14)
- What do you think of the Aczel list, if anything? [nt] - Wellfed 20:42:17 03/10/07 (13)
- What do you think of the JREF test if anything? Oh, wait, I forgot. You chickened out at crunch time. - AJinFLA 10:22:22 03/11/07 (2)
- POLLYinFLA Just Chickens Out Period! - thetubeguy1954 13:34:26 03/12/07 (0)
- Do you think that a pathological liar's... - Wellfed 21:56:33 03/11/07 (0)
- Re: What do you think of the Aczel list, if anything? [nt] - May Belt 05:12:57 03/11/07 (9)
- Pity that Harley (and both magazines) have all retreated from that position. - clarkjohnsen 11:50:18 03/11/07 (0)
- Forgot one point - kerr 06:31:54 03/11/07 (6)
- silly argument - clifff 07:48:06 03/11/07 (5)
- Re: silly argument - kerr 12:03:28 03/11/07 (4)
- Re: silly argument - theaudiohobby 16:14:52 03/11/07 (3)
- Re: silly argument - kerr 16:31:08 03/11/07 (2)
- Re: silly argument - theaudiohobby 17:00:58 03/11/07 (1)
- Re: silly argument - kerr 06:09:42 03/12/07 (0)
- Belief vs Reality - kerr 06:24:04 03/11/07 (0)
- It's not "lies" so much as it is delusional behavior. nt - clarkjohnsen 10:17:13 03/09/07 (2)
- So hearing improved sound from a grinded CD is just delusional rather than also a lie? Uh,ok. (nt) - AJinFLA 06:36:48 03/10/07 (0)
- It's "LIES" In The Same Sense As Peter Aczel's 10 Biggest Lies In Audio Is... (NT) - thetubeguy1954 10:59:26 03/09/07 (0)
- I can hardly wait for Part 2 of the therapy. Unless your keyboard konks out or you hyperventilate first (nt) - AJinFLA 09:08:50 03/09/07 (0)
- Re: Sigh...where do I begin - theaudiohobby 08:29:36 03/09/07 (10)
- Nice Try At Objectivist Misdirection Hobby - thetubeguy1954 09:54:34 03/09/07 (9)
- The fact is, you gave a list of "specifications" (promises) NOT measured results.. - Pat D 10:45:23 03/09/07 (8)
- I Made An Honest Mistake & Reversed Specs & Measurements. - thetubeguy1954 12:49:18 03/09/07 (7)
- Not the mistake I was referring to. - Pat D 13:04:42 03/09/07 (6)
- Re: Not the mistake I was referring to. - thetubeguy1954 13:52:53 03/09/07 (5)
- So what are specifications? (nt) - Pat D 16:22:53 03/09/07 (4)
- Re: So what are specifications? - thetubeguy1954 14:05:22 03/12/07 (3)
- Why should I discuss a contrary to fact supposition? Other than to point it out. - Pat D 17:53:49 03/12/07 (2)
- Re: Why should I discuss a contrary to fact supposition? Other than to point it out. - thetubeguy1954 11:54:08 03/13/07 (1)
- You make a contrary to fact generalization based on one person. - Pat D 19:34:09 03/23/07 (0)
Follow Ups
- Re: silly argument - kerr 06:09:42 03/12/07 (0)