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Re: What do you think of the Aczel list, if anything? [nt]

After a quick look at Peter Aczel's list Wellfed, I can see only one sentence I agree with and that is Peter Aczel's "The Golden Ears want you to believe that their hearing is so keen, so exquisite, that they can hear tiny nuances of reproduced sound too elusive for the rest of us. Absolutely not true." -

I agree, May!!

One sentence of Peter Aczel's which I vehemently disagree with is "Just say no to CD treatments."
Coincidentally, just before I read Peter Aczel's list, I had been re-reading Robert Harley's article on freezing CDs (Stereophile October 1990) - in my opinion one of the most significant articles in the history of Hi Fi. Particularly his last two paragraphs.

>>> "My fascination with CD tweaks stems not from their intrinsic abilities to improve CD sound as much as it comes from the realisation that if ANY tweak has even the SLIGHTEST audible effect, conventional digital audio theory is turned upside down. More importantly, however, the widespread acceptance and belief in CD tweaks may make skeptical engineers LISTEN for themselves, perhaps sparking an investigation into why they work. Such research may lead to fundamental new discoveries in digital audio that will drastically improve its performance.
Furthermore, I see CD tweaks as a Rosetta Stone to an audio engineering establishment that dismisses the possibility that freezing a CD or painting it black, or putting green paint around the edge, or making it from a different material, could affect its sound. Because these treatments are considered the epitome of audiophile lunacy. Perhaps some measurement-orientated scientists may, if they listen for themselves, realize that audiophiles are not always the demented mystics they are often accused of being." <<<
May Belt.

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