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Re: silly argument

>The way I know much of what I know - experience. However, in order to satisfy your sense of fair play, I'll concede your point and start with you. What cables or amps have you compared? Any objectivist is encouraged to reply. It will only tell us about those on this board but it's a start. Also, when it comes to proper controls, how many DBT's have you participated in?

I will not satisfy your curiosity ;-) and the original point still stands as you have made an assumption here that is invalid. That said, I look to measurements cos some of the more obvious differences between amplifiers are easily explained by measurements.

>Something else that bears repeating - Because my one bias when it comes to audio gear is that the best sounding item wins, unless it can be shown that I have other biases and what they are, there is no need to address them. I couldn't care less about brand names, looks, cost or any other potential biases you can name, including the bias that two items must sound different.

Well, in blind tests, the issues you state are so important to the outcome of the test that they are not assumed, hence the controls, at any rate "best sounding" can mean anything, the goals of most blind test are generally less ambigous.

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  • Re: silly argument - theaudiohobby 17:00:58 03/11/07 (1)

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