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You're right!

I didn't let the appearance of any one of my components sway my judgement. The big ass black stats in their steel frames and bland, if not well constructed, electronics will not win the beauty prize or offer the gee whiz factor of a McIntosh all aglow with seductive lighting.

How long before you give up on the one you've got now?
If we're still talking about preamps, the answer is likely - never. One, I've gotten to a level (way beyond the Eleven) where better would run many thousands of dollars. Also, I use the preamp only for listening to vinyl. I don't need a preamp for the CDP which is my primary source.

There is no question though that I was a frequent upgrader while in high school and college (I'm 49). That was when I was enjoying a steep learning curve going from merely good stuff to hearing some of the very best through befriending some audio reviewers. Here are the time frames for my last four preamps:

H-K Citation 11: 1974-1976
Van Alstine FET-5: 1976-1981
Audio Research SP-6C: 1981-1998
Audio Research SP-9MKIII: 1998-current

Then one day it dawned on me that it's a fools game and no matter what I bought, in the end I'd be no more satisfied with it than what I already had.

You have a good point here. Happiness is fickle and is not directly proportional to the gear you own. It is how music brings joy to your life. I feel so fortunate to have met two of the Absolute Sound reviewers and had access to their many review systems over the past thirty years. I wouldn't have had a clue as to the differences among so many components without that controlled exposure. And certainly not every thing I heard was good. Now that I know what is possible with a carefully matched hyper dollar system, I no longer seek owning it. It is enough for me to merely appreciate that which is possible.


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