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Re: Teresa, - that is horsepucky...(Wait-a-minute)

Absolutely, everyone is entitled to their opinion....

As I mentioned above, SOTA redbook CD playback is so damn close to SACD, - from the SOTA devices that I've heard, - that the lack of software available for SACD, plus a certain percentage of poor SACD recordings: (remember all SACD recordings are NOT created equal), make SACD not worth the price of entry. If you've heard the Zanden redbook, the UX-1 redbook, the Audio Aero redbook, the APL AKM redbook, - whichever of those "flavors" you prefer, - they stack up quite well and even better than many of the $3K SACD players' SACD section, and they also stack up favorably with the SACD sections in their OWN players, - if they're Universal players.

I say this based on Ed Meitner's new work. I've heard certain redbook CDs that actually SOUND better than their SACD counterparts of the same music. Of course, one might say that that SACD master was done poorly. But by the very fact that we can say that, (Jazz at the Pawnshop), means that Mr. Meitner has IMPROVED redbook playback, and that the MEDIUM of redbook CAN be IMPROVED and that there was/is more to milk from the medium still.

I think that the outrageously expensive Zanden system is a bit on the syrupy, warm, romantic, side. Still it is very organic, very detailed, very real sounding, especially with violins and string sections, pianos and acoustic guitars. IMO, there is no $5K and below SACD player whose SACD section sounds as good as the Zanden redbook implementation. Now, who wants to drop over $40K on redbook? But, it is at least possible to improve redbook to the point where it beats or equals SACD... and, hey, compared to every other medium, how much more available are redbook cds?

I apologize for repeating myself, but after some thought, I think that I said it better here in this post...

"The men who own the city make more sense than we do: their actions are clear, their lives are their own"

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  • Re: Teresa, - that is horsepucky...(Wait-a-minute) - Sordidman 11:33:13 05/11/06 (0)

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