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RCA Living Stereo: give me two-channel or give me death!

Robertc88 wrote:
"The LS SACDs in multichannel would put them over the top making them the greatest treasure!"

Why, Robert? They were originally stereo, not MCH, and where appropriate, RCA has issued them in three-channel. (Not that they were really designed to be heard that way.)

Would we really want them any more MCH than that? Not I. (And I'm more than happy with the two-channel.)

BTW, the Classic LP's tend to sound more like the old LS LP's than do the SACD's, the result, I believe, of EQing and "sweetening," as much as because of the LP format itself.

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  • RCA Living Stereo: give me two-channel or give me death! - bublitchki 00:42:28 05/11/06 (1)

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