In Reply to: Hey! posted by Don T on April 6, 2006 at 23:25:43:
Don, what bothers me about your Brian Wilson comments mostly is how you say "Everything was handed to him" just because his dad dabbled in music. Nothing could be further from the truth. Brian Wilson was the writer, producer and engineer for the Beach Boys and pounded out 3 albums a year for a long time, while writing producing and arranging for a plethora of other artists as well. The Beach Boys released 27 studio albums, 4 live albums and countless compliations. Brian Wilson wrote, arranged, produced and engineered almost all of that music. Compare this output with your beloved Beatles and you'll find they did a mere 11 studio albums and just 1 compilation despite having 2 very strong songwriters and another decent one AND a dedicated engineer/producer in George Martin. Please read the link below to see all the historical and literal references in the album you claim is not worthy of comparison to "Pepper" Keep in mind as you read this that Brian and Van Dyke were ages 23 and 24 at the time they wrote this. What did YOU write, produce, engineer and play/sing on at age 23? Now please keep your rediculous "Brian had it all handed to him" comments to yourself. The man worked his ASS off for decades and produced much of the soundtrack of our lives and in return he gets someone like you to nit-pick his body of your some kind of expert. By the way, SMiLE is the highest reviewed album of all time. So yeah, I contend you don't get it. If you wanna nit pik, you have plenty of rap/hip-hop crap out there to MORE than keep you busy for Milleniums.
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Follow Ups
- Re: Hey! - mauimusicman 15:27:13 04/07/06 (0)