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Re: you talked to Brian Wilson on the phone?

my wife and i were floored when we saw him perform at davies symphony hall in san francisco. totally amazing.

i don't get the mixed responses to his release of smile in 2004. what's wrong with it? sure it would have been totally different if it was was released in 1966-67, but it's still really cool. and the wondermits kick ass.

i think some of the anguish from some comes from the fact that the album sounds, well....like a pop album and not some of the pieced together freakiness that we heard on the various smile bootlegs. those were just parts of different ideas that brian never put together into a cohesive unit. in their respective parts, they might sound really wild and "out there", but toegther, they would sound like, oh...good vibrations ;-)

well, i think that's our problem. if brian wasn't fighting his demons and bandmembers back in the 60's, the resulting 2004 iteration was probably more of what he had in mind. really fun, intricate and complex, but still a pop album. like sgt. peppers ;-)

see ya,

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  • Re: you talked to Brian Wilson on the phone? - centaurus3200 22:46:31 04/06/06 (0)

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