while at work today, i decided to do a little aural research. my company is real cool. we have everyone's music collections shared through the server via i-tunes.I'm known as the "beach boys nut" at work, but never heard, head to head, the "all time greatest concept rock album duo". i.e. beach boy's smile compared and contrasted against Sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band.
now, i am NOT being biased. but for anyone's who's done the same, i think you'll admit that smile was a lot more intricate and technically advanced. both lyrically and musically. i used both the smile bootleg and Brian Wilson's 2004 release of smile. Sgt. pepper's is more straight ahead, more commercial and actually more humorous...because it's less "out-there." whereas "i am the walrus" is good fun and amusing, vegetables and mrs. o'leary's cow is just sorta weird. beautiful, incredibly creative...but weird.
then you have songs like surf's up which is one of the most beautiful songs ever written, both from a lyrical and instrumental standpoint. Brian was just pushing himself and his band (though reluctantly) a lot further into the stratosphere.
lastly, as a complete concept album, smile's tracks flow seamlessly from one to the other, whereas Sgt. pepper's seems more like a conventional album, without the songs meshing in teh same way.
finally, after listening to both albums, i flipped on the magical mystery tour. NOW THAT'S SOME BADDASS SHIT, now isn't it? ;-)
i enjoyed it immensely. still not as intricate as smile, but it rocks a lot harder than anything the beach boys has done. but that was never the beach boys angle. it would have taken a far more vocal and demanding DENNIS WILSON to steer the beach boys into a harder rock category.
anybody who's ever listened to Dennis Wilson's pacific ocean blue knows what I'm talking about. Dennis Wilson was GENIUS too! and had none of Brian's sometimes corny tendencies. brian always kept to his "we are love, love is all, etc." mantra. Dennis had some real hard L.I.V.I.N. and his music reflected that.
two of my favorite songs of all time are Dennis' River Song and Steamboat off of beach boys Holland.
i wonder what would have happened if Brian and Dennis formed a tighter bond for writing music together, a la Lennon/mc cartney.
done ramblin ;-)see ya,
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Topic - SMiLE versus sgt. pepper's???? - centaurus3200 22:50:00 04/03/06 (54)
- 2 40 year old albums by bands not at their best... - dave c 21:14:33 04/06/06 (1)
- Re: Will you still need me when I'm 64?, Smile (with no teeth) - LongPlay 13:28:03 04/08/06 (0)
- laugh! - Don T 06:55:58 04/06/06 (20)
- Please don't take this wrong - Dr. Gonzo 16:22:05 04/06/06 (0)
- Were you writing about BW or Elvis? nt - dave c 14:58:17 04/06/06 (0)
- Who's the embarrasment? - mkuller 10:46:10 04/06/06 (5)
- Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! - Don T 12:09:45 04/06/06 (4)
- Re: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! - Dan Yull 16:11:41 04/06/06 (1)
- tee hee hee - centaurus3200 16:01:13 04/06/06 (1)
- Re: tee hee hee - Dan Yull 16:34:29 04/06/06 (0)
- how heart warming. You are truly the milk of human kindness... - dave c 15:00:25 04/06/06 (0)
- Re: laugh! - Dan Yull 09:48:14 04/06/06 (0)
- what do you really think? - centaurus3200 09:32:30 04/06/06 (10)
- I like the Beach Boys too! - Don T 23:05:18 04/06/06 (3)
- Re: I like the Beach Boys too! - Dan Yull 10:37:33 04/07/06 (2)
- Re: I like the Beach Boys too! - Don T 11:55:47 04/07/06 (1)
- Re: I like the Beach Boys too! - Dan Yull 20:16:14 04/07/06 (1)
- Re: what do you really think? - mauimusicman 15:10:36 04/06/06 (5)
- yo talke to Brian Wilson on the phone? - centaurus3200 15:49:34 04/06/06 (4)
- Re: yo talke to Brian Wilson on the phone? - mauimusicman 17:29:29 04/06/06 (3)
- Hey! - Don T 23:25:43 04/06/06 (1)
- Re: Hey! - mauimusicman 15:27:13 04/07/06 (0)
- Re: you talked to Brian Wilson on the phone? - centaurus3200 22:46:31 04/06/06 (0)
- Compare "Good Vibrations" to "For the Benefit of Mr. Kite"...(nt) - mkuller 18:01:38 04/05/06 (2)
- Great idea! - mauimusicman 03:25:46 04/07/06 (1)
- Mr. Kite... - mkuller 11:40:51 04/07/06 (0)
- Re: SMiLE versus sgt. pepper's???? - welly 06:46:33 04/05/06 (0)
- SMiLE.....ehHhHH.... - jimbill 20:37:35 04/04/06 (1)
- If you heard Brian Wilsons resurrection, you have NOT - Duilawyer 23:35:38 04/04/06 (0)
- Re: SMiLE versus sgt. pepper's???? - SalD 11:09:34 04/04/06 (19)
- Re: SMiLE versus sgt. pepper's???? - mauimusicman 16:25:06 04/04/06 (0)
- Re: SMiLE versus sgt. pepper's???? - J 12:28:09 04/04/06 (13)
- Re: "...don't care if I ever hear surf music again." - Superfly 15:23:31 04/08/06 (2)
- Re: "you'll never hear surf music again." - J 22:06:36 04/08/06 (1)
- Re: Surfer Brian and the Beatles.. - Superfly 08:49:38 04/09/06 (0)
- Read Heroes & Villians by Steven Gaines... - SalD 13:41:11 04/04/06 (9)
- Re: Read Heroes & Villians by Steven Gaines... - mauimusicman 16:39:01 04/04/06 (8)
- Steven Gaines --- the geetar player from Skynyrd? - PdL 00:53:38 04/05/06 (0)
- Re: Read Heroes & Villians by Steven Gaines... - SalD 18:19:34 04/04/06 (6)
- what about dennis wilson? - centaurus3200 09:33:11 04/05/06 (0)
- Re: Read Heroes & Villians by Steven Gaines... - mauimusicman 03:16:40 04/05/06 (0)
- Re: Read Heroes & Villians by Steven Gaines... - J 21:43:35 04/04/06 (3)
- Can't disagree... - mkuller 14:02:16 04/05/06 (0)
- Without arguing Beatles vs. Beach Boys... - kerr 05:37:23 04/05/06 (1)
- Re: Without arguing Beatles vs. Beach Boys... - mauimusicman 15:19:28 04/06/06 (0)
- yes, but forget Brian's lyrics - centaurus3200 12:09:30 04/04/06 (3)
- Re: agree. Brian's lyrics...often trite+ sophomoric imo...nt - Superfly 14:31:53 04/08/06 (1)
- They're not his - J 14:49:25 04/08/06 (0)
- Re: yes, but forget Brian's lyrics - Dan Yull 12:22:04 04/05/06 (0)
- Re: SMiLE versus sgt. pepper's???? - Marshall W 07:49:28 04/04/06 (3)
- Re: SMiLE versus sgt. pepper's???? - Dan Yull 09:57:21 04/04/06 (1)
- Agreed - Pet Sounds vs Sgt. Pepper is a better match...(nt) - mkuller 10:54:48 04/04/06 (0)
- Same here (nt) - TWR 07:55:37 04/04/06 (0)
- I listen to Smile frequently (Great DAne, adn YEllow Dog) , Pepper, never. nt - Duilawyer 23:45:33 04/03/06 (0)