In Reply to: Re: SMiLE versus sgt. pepper's???? posted by SalD on April 4, 2006 at 11:09:34:
brian was never a great lyricist, van dykes lyrics were insanely good. were they easy to fit into a song? no, because they were not conventional pop lyrics, in structure.but, surfs up, at least to me, blows any lyrics that the beatles wrote for sgt. pepper's out of the water.
and, if you forget the lyrics totally, just compare the musical compositions, smile was far more intricate than sgt. pepper's.
don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the BB are better than the beatles. i really enjoy the BB song structures, but yes, some lyrics are totally lame.
IMHO, the magical mystery tour is way better sgt. pepper's. sort of a sgt. pepper's version 2.0
again, my opinion only
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Follow Ups
- yes, but forget Brian's lyrics - centaurus3200 12:09:30 04/04/06 (3)
- Re: agree. Brian's lyrics...often trite+ sophomoric imo...nt - Superfly 14:31:53 04/08/06 (1)
- They're not his - J 14:49:25 04/08/06 (0)
- Re: yes, but forget Brian's lyrics - Dan Yull 12:22:04 04/05/06 (0)