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Re: still not making any sense

>>Are you really an idiot or do you just play one on AA?<<

No, I just emulate idiots I see on AA, which as you can see, keeps me busy. Sorry, I thought you would be flattered by the attention.

>>Don't you know when you are being mocked?<<

I think you need to ask yourself that question, since you obviously missed the fact that I was mocking you. As you're not very good at it, and you're not going to get anywhere doing that anyhow, how about you simply don't mock people? Let's put it this way: if you expect to receive any respect from me and/or have a serious conversation about audio, which I'm perfectly willing to do, then you'd better just stop. Mockery is trite rubbish to me, it doesn't impress me in the least, and in serious conversation, is a sure sign of an unevolved mind. I'm not in the habit of having serious conversations with twelve year old boys, or those who act like it.

>>Will I always have to be this blunt? is this blunt enough? <<

Not quite. I'm still a little fuzzy on what you're getting at. Once it matches your perception, it'll be perfect.

>>Do you ever have anything substantial to say or is "read harder" the best it ever gets with you? <<

I was just about to ask you the same thing. You who couldn't even understand what 'read harder' meant, until I had to use smiley faces to explain it to you. And then showing that remarkable wit and imagination you think you posess, you used it against me, with nothing more substantial to say. Yet nevertheless, you're banging your head, wondering why I'm not being more responsive to you.

After I explained what "read harder" meant to you, I went on to say that Clark answered some of your points, which at the time you ignored, and that I answered the rest of your points with PatD, because he decided to speak for you, since you have had little to say in our conversation. He also must have been wondering why you couldn't respond to me yourself. Anyway, you completely ignored my response, and simply wrote: "Give it a shot. So far it seems you have completely missed all of my points."

That pretty much put an end to proceedings, and I've just been playing games with you since. Which I thought you'd adore as you insist on acting like a 12 year old boy. If you want to continue this audio discussion, go back to my response to PatD and --lose the attitude completely--. You've been -rude-, insulting and adversarial from the get go. If I find your response substantial, interesting and courteous, then I will respond in kind. Otherwise.... I'm just gonna tell you to "read harder". ;-)

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  • Re: still not making any sense - Posy Rorer 16:38:21 04/08/07 (0)

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