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Re: A not very responsive answer.

You'd better go back and study English again. What my amplifier does is amplify a line level signal so as to drive my speakers. Amplifiers do that. It is possible that a defective amplifier would not do it.

Ordinarily, to describe how an amplifier works would either describe its design principles (I'm not an EE) or describe how well it works, which could be answered by anything from a casual evaluation to a detailed technical account, depending on the context.

I neither affirm nor deny that the IC works. I just see no reason to suppose it does and I have better things to do than spend time on products no one seems to be able to prove does anything to audio. As I say, I know that my CDP plays CDs, I know that my amplifier amplifies, and I know that my speakers transduce, I know that my interconnects and speaker cables conduct signals. To suppose that I don't know this is simply silly.

You're the one who brought up Ken Kessler, not me. You're the one using him as an authority.

jj is retired from AT & T. Last I heard, he worked for Microsoft.

If you want to talk about perception, that can be influenced by simply knowing what one is listening to, by mood, physical condition, and so on.

"But of course. Audio DBTs being a worthless waste of time, they will always come up with worthless results."

You're funny.

Thinking outside the box can be a good thing, but it isn't proof.

"I haven't even been reading this forum that long, and I've already read at least a half dozen names here who've claimed the IC chip works."

Anybody can make claims. Proving them is another matter. What methodology did Ken Kessler use?

"So are you an audiophile or not?"

Why on earth would I want to be an audiophile? I readily admit to being a musical performer, a music lover, and an audio enthusiast.

"what's the difference between you and the Circuit City consumer to whom an audio system is just an appliance, like a microwave oven? I find both of your approaches to audio impossible to differentiate."

That's your problem, not mine.

Are you seriously suggesting that I don't know whether a CD works? This CD stores a recording of some music by Mozart, that one music by Beethoven. Certainly that makes an audible difference.

"You might eventually come to learn that today there are audible effects in audio that are induced by means other than the signal path or acoustic sound waves."

Totally unproved speculation. When you come up with some evidence for it, get back to me.

"Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony."
------Heraclitus of Ephesis (fl. 504-500 BC), trans. Wheelwright.

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