In Reply to: Re: At least you are reliable? posted by Posy Rorer on April 5, 2007 at 10:02:32:
Didn't you read it "hard" enough the first time you responded to it?
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Follow Ups Full ThreadTopic - 20th and 21st Century Science - geoffkait 04:39:48 04/03/07 (83)
- Steven Hawking Said... - thetubeguy1954 13:42:41 04/05/07 (0)
- PEAR was closed last month - WinthorpeIII 14:46:50 04/04/07 (3)
- Re: My dear sir... - geoffkait 14:58:40 04/04/07 (2)
- ok - WinthorpeIII 15:05:29 04/04/07 (1)
- Re: I see what you mean... - geoffkait 15:10:31 04/04/07 (0)
- Please help me understand - Analog Scott 08:52:49 04/03/07 (77)
- That is for the Link of Spirited Goohooery (LSG) to work out - andy_c 19:33:30 04/04/07 (0)
- Re: Now, That's funny. nt - geoffkait 10:36:49 04/03/07 (0)
- Re: Please help me understand - Posy Rorer 09:24:36 04/03/07 (71)
- Re: Please help me understand - Todd Krieger 11:50:44 04/04/07 (3)
- Re: Uh, oh... - geoffkait 13:22:52 04/04/07 (2)
- Re: Uh, oh... - Todd Krieger 22:18:49 04/04/07 (1)
- Re: Uh, oh... - geoffkait 04:09:06 04/05/07 (0)
- Hey Posy... - Jim Austin 14:53:50 04/03/07 (4)
- Re: Hey Posy... - Posy Rorer 16:29:36 04/03/07 (3)
- Yeah, whatever - Jim Austin 18:19:56 04/03/07 (2)
- Re: Yeah, whatever - Posy Rorer 19:59:55 04/03/07 (1)
- "It must have been terribly challenging acquiring a Phd." Lord that's funny! nt - clarkjohnsen 09:24:34 04/04/07 (0)
- where's the science? - Analog Scott 09:27:44 04/03/07 (61)
- "...until science has investigated the phenomenon." Translation: - clarkjohnsen 12:09:31 04/03/07 (34)
- Clark, your observations echo the work of Thomas S. Kuhn... - David W. Robinson 11:51:47 04/05/07 (1)
- Yeah, thanks. Regrettably that book is nearly impenetrable, so I prefer to wing it. nt - clarkjohnsen 11:21:10 04/06/07 (0)
- What group of people would you lable the "academe" in high end audio? - jensw 16:18:11 04/03/07 (25)
- Audio academe is embodied by the AES. Have you read their Journal lately? If so... - clarkjohnsen 08:36:58 04/04/07 (23)
- Re: Audio academe is embodied by the AES. Have you read their Journal lately? If so... - May Belt 14:33:02 04/04/07 (22)
- an establishment that persists in frenetically sweeping legitimate genres of new phenomena under its intellectual carpet - Richard BassNut Greene 17:10:06 04/08/07 (0)
- "If you can apply a chemical to the label side of a CD,..." - BS64 12:06:03 04/06/07 (7)
- Re: "If you can apply a chemical to the label side of a CD,..." - May Belt 03:44:19 04/07/07 (6)
- read your statement carefully - BS64 04:13:28 04/07/07 (5)
- Re: read your statement carefully - May Belt 10:52:10 04/07/07 (4)
- "Please give people credit for having the intelligence to know whether they heard just a 'difference' " - Richard BassNut Greene 17:59:13 04/08/07 (0)
- "if you manufacture audio equipment you HAVE to investigate" - BS64 12:35:47 04/08/07 (2)
- Re: "if you manufacture audio equipment you HAVE to investigate" - Posy Rorer 17:53:33 04/15/07 (1)
- "Unless of course it has a barcode on the bottle" - BS64 10:56:14 04/16/07 (0)
- Re: Audio academe is embodied by the AES. Have you read their Journal lately? If so... - Posy Rorer 19:08:22 04/04/07 (10)
- Thus a simple religous experience and belief system. - clifff 01:13:36 04/05/07 (9)
- I agree. Audio DBTs ARE a simple religous experience and belief system. No point in debating them. (nt) - Posy Rorer 16:19:21 04/08/07 (7)
- Yeah SURE ..... "I know what I hear and couldn't be wrong" is pure objectivity !!!!!! - Richard BassNut Greene 18:14:15 04/08/07 (6)
- Richard Bassnuts: did someone forget to change your diapers? - Posy Rorer 21:54:49 04/08/07 (5)
- Your post contains only character attacks -- no audio content (nt) - Richard BassNut Greene 22:09:46 04/08/07 (4)
- Whereas your posts contain unprovoked defamatory character attacks- Sorry, you only get what you deserve, troll. - Posy Rorer 23:34:12 04/08/07 (3)
- "...the worst I have ever seen on AA." Don't get around much any more, eh? nt - clarkjohnsen 11:58:56 04/09/07 (1)
- I never did get around much on AA. So Bassnuts may not be the worst offender here, but it's not for lack of effort. (nt) - Posy Rorer 15:23:12 04/09/07 (0)
- What a poser! nt - clifff 23:44:17 04/08/07 (0)
- I could try... - Wellfed 17:58:55 04/05/07 (0)
- Re: Audio academe is embodied by the AES. Have you read their Journal lately? If so... - john curl 16:07:20 04/04/07 (1)
- Re: I know what you mean, John - geoffkait 16:48:19 04/04/07 (0)
- Re: What group of people would you lable the "academe" in high end audio? - john curl 17:07:56 04/03/07 (0)
- Your translation is inbedded in the age old debate and has nothing to do with what I am saying - Analog Scott 12:54:51 04/03/07 (5)
- "The very essence of science is to challenge the status quo." Funniest line I've read in weeks! - clarkjohnsen 10:18:11 04/04/07 (1)
- "Audio affords us an excellent paradigm of this process.?" Indeed you are far too entrnched - Analog Scott 10:44:55 04/05/07 (0)
- Re: Your translation is inbedded in the age old debate and has nothing to do with what I am saying - john curl 17:09:28 04/03/07 (2)
- I wouldn't know that about the JAES... - Analog Scott 17:32:18 04/03/07 (1)
- Re: I wouldn't know that about the JAES... - john curl 20:43:18 04/03/07 (0)
- Re: where's the science? - Posy Rorer 09:40:02 04/03/07 (25)
- You want me to investigate? Whatever gave you the idea tyhat I am a scientist? - Analog Scott 11:24:55 04/03/07 (3)
- Re: You want me to investigate? Whatever gave you the idea tyhat I am a scientist? - Posy Rorer 15:46:08 04/03/07 (2)
- Perhaps you need to read harder - Analog Scott 16:47:18 04/03/07 (1)
- Read harder? That doesn't even make sense. (nt) - Posy Rorer 19:11:54 04/04/07 (0)
- A not very responsive answer. - Pat D 11:09:48 04/03/07 (20)
- Re: A not very responsive answer. - Posy Rorer 15:53:56 04/03/07 (19)
- "Takes the whole fun out of audio, when you [even suspect] how it might work." LOL! Indeed... - clarkjohnsen 10:52:27 04/04/07 (3)
- It's a matter of taste and inclination. - Pat D 11:45:19 04/04/07 (2)
- Fortunately (for me), I have a *sound* technical background. nt - clarkjohnsen 11:02:53 04/05/07 (0)
- Re: It's a matter of taste and inclination. - Posy Rorer 19:21:08 04/04/07 (0)
- Re: A not very responsive answer. - Pat D 19:16:19 04/03/07 (5)
- Re: A not very responsive answer. - Posy Rorer 20:15:53 04/04/07 (4)
- Re: A not very responsive answer. - Pat D 21:27:39 04/04/07 (3)
- Re: A not very responsive answer. - Posy Rorer 10:08:42 04/05/07 (2)
- Research and development is fine, but why should I as a consumer bother with unproven products? - Pat D 13:10:58 04/05/07 (1)
- That's not very responsive, Pat. - Posy Rorer 17:28:45 04/06/07 (1)
- "But, it's not for the spineless, that I will admit". Me too. It's for the brainless. But that too requires no spine nt - AJinFLA 17:42:22 04/03/07 (0)
- "Since he asked about the phenomenon, " Where did you get that? - Analog Scott 16:50:57 04/03/07 (7)
- Re: "Since he asked about the phenomenon, " Where did you get that? - Posy Rorer 20:17:54 04/04/07 (6)
- At least you are reliable? - Analog Scott 21:29:51 04/04/07 (5)
- Re: At least you are reliable? - Posy Rorer 10:02:32 04/05/07 (4)
- "what was the question?" - Analog Scott 11:01:59 04/05/07 (3)
- Re: "what was the question?" - Posy Rorer 17:37:13 04/06/07 (2)
- still not making any sense - Analog Scott 07:27:43 04/07/07 (1)
- Re: still not making any sense - Posy Rorer 16:38:21 04/08/07 (0)
- geoffkait = Einstein, apparently (NT) - tunenut 09:00:47 04/03/07 (2)
- Einstein was warped, not crooked (nt) - AJinFLA 14:08:16 04/03/07 (1)
- space is warped, not Einstein (NT) - tunenut 15:41:07 04/03/07 (0)
Follow Ups
- "what was the question?" - Analog Scott 11:01:59 04/05/07 (3)
- Re: "what was the question?" - Posy Rorer 17:37:13 04/06/07 (2)
- still not making any sense - Analog Scott 07:27:43 04/07/07 (1)
- Re: still not making any sense - Posy Rorer 16:38:21 04/08/07 (0)