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I grew up in a city on a sandbar 30 miles from Manhattan. Plenty of surfing, not by me, though. Lou Reed, who's from a couple of towns up from there, wrote Beach Boys knockoffs in the Brill Building. Tiger In My Tank?

The thing about Johnny Thunders...two of the most successful bands of the era of about 15 years ago, were both from the West Coast, and both tremendously influenced by this guy. Now, I know damn well that LWR isn't going to give a shit about either one of these bands, so I don't bother bringing them up in discussion, because the aftereffect, to a guy who's into what he's into, is a big 'meh.' I understand that.

But then Neil Young seemed to think a lot of one of the contemporaries of one of those two bands. Dylan had a guy playing with him for quite some time who was enough of a Sex Pistols fan to cover one of their tunes in his live show. Tom Waits' record label is what exactly? What hardcore punk band was its owner an alumnus of? Oh, and that Johnny Cash guy? His last few albums produced by who? Oh...someone who was in CBGB's in 1981, in a hardcore band called the Pricks. He's from my hometown, not that that means anything. Influenced by Johnny Thunders & the music LWR's not into? I think so.

I have no problem taking someone's dislike into consideration. But if we're going to have anything resembling a reasonable discussion, then if yr contention is that influence means nothing, it'd be nice to know why ya feel that way. I know that knowing a few little tidbits about the role punk & people like Thunders actually play in the overall rock & pop scene over the past 30 years don't mean jack to some people, but I'm only going to accept so much being thrown in my face because of the stuff that was in those posts.

On a lighter note...coincidentally...the rec I've been listening to most lately is the new NY Dolls. Have ya heard it? I didn't expect to like it much, but it sounds just as good now as a few weeks ago. Haven't gotten the new Dylan yet, but probably in the next couple of days. Oh, what's this? Steve Earle at Montreaux DVD? Unfortunately it looks like they've got some of the dimmer political toons on here, but that shouldn't be that big a problem. I'll have to pop this in...soon...

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