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Get real, Jim McShane !!

Sorry to say this, but IMHO, that is one of the most stupid posts I have ever seen you put on ANY Forum Jim McShane.

One does NOT have to listen to the amp at all, mach1 and I certainly didn't, yet mach1 thought about it - and revealed a wealth of good layout information.

Tips and considerations on how to do DIY better, thats were we all can gain !!! Thats what this Forum should be about!! Not hammering other people when its not called for or deserved.

Seems to me you are still tweeked from all the low DCR conversations, .... which this isn't !! Thats YOUR problem and its evident in what you wrote. Its a good topic.... layout. Use your head and not your emotions fella. Lets stay on the topic and not YOUR misguided MIS-interpretations of a dastardly messenger.

Jeff Medwin

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